OK, I snapped earlier. And need to rant. So if youre easily - TopicsExpress


OK, I snapped earlier. And need to rant. So if youre easily offended, and havent blocked me yet, this might be the time!! Its annoying as hell to me that people have been so brainwashed into thinking that compliance, or relenting to tyrannical laws somehow makes them a good person. That same logic dictates that this meme is 1,000% accurate in their opinion. These same people who would have told the American Revolutionists to just shut up & drink their English tea & bow to the queen. These same people would have told you not to say anything against slavery, because after all, it was the law. These are the people who would have slaughtered their neighbors in the killing fields of Cambodia, because it was the law. These are the people who would have starved their kids & neighbors in Maos China, because it was the law for goodness sake!!! ... These are the same people who would have supported the Nazi SS, because after all, those folks were just doing their job. These are same people who wouldnt have served their fellow man of a different color at a lunch counter, not for their own reasoning, but because it was the freaking law. These are the same people who would sit obediently for hours at a red-light with no cars for miles. These are the sheep. These are the people who always damn free nations, these are the people who wouldnt have had a problem with Jesus being nailed to a cross.. Because after all... It was the law. This isnt personal, its about realizing that were at a bad place & that it needs to change. We have far too many laws, which puts both regular folks & police in terrible situations that cause conflict where there should be none. We cannot eliminate heinous happenings in a nation of 330+ million people, and we should not surrender liberty & dignity in pursuit of this impossible goal. In fact, when closely studied, youll find that money & control has a lot more to do with most of it than does safety anyway. (Im not talking about the motivations of the average cop, Im talking about a leviathan system that oppresses the masses) Feel free to come at me bro, but youve been warned!! :), -D
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:52:33 +0000

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