OK IM SAYING THIS ONCE. AFTER THIS POST IF YOU WANNA DEFEND JOKERS U DONT KNOW AND THINK IM GOING BACK N FORTH WITH U U WILL BE IN FOR A RUDE AWAKENING. To folks asking me what if I were shot dead by the cops what would I do (first of all you sound dumb as shyt saying that because dead people cant do shyt!) to you I say, It wont be me! Nor will it be my son! I raised my son right just like my parents raised me right! And if I got fam that choose to do ignorant shyt that will put them in harms way then thats on them! Im not defending anyone based on SKIN COLOR. Im sick of hearing about this Michael Brown shyt just like I was sick of hearing about Trayvon Martin! Shyt if yall believe that shyt why arent you still protesting about his death you hypocrites? If you want to be MAD get mad at the fact that you putting your energy into this dumb shyt instead of worrying about where you will go when you die! You sit up on Satans church worshipping that devil thinking you praying to god. You dont even know His NAME and you get pissed when I point that out! People are FUNNY! I dont see not one of you posting or protesting against people who kill their own kids! I dont see you protesting against rape or murders in your circle but you wanna try to come at me with some weak ass proof for a dude you DONT KNOW and for a situation one give you dont know BOTH sides. This country got folks deaf blind and dumb! They ALLOWING all this chaos in Ferguson for their AGENDA. But you too busy posting shyt to defend a robber! Makes sense tho because yall the same ones who defend Paul the False Apostles lying murdering ass too! SMH. And FYI concerning the body being left in the street for hours uncovered that shyt happens daily so why get mad when it happens to him? Yall need to get your priorities straight and stop jumping on the RACE WAGON. Yall act like u knew him! Most of yall wont get this vocal if it was a white or Hispanic boy shot cause they get shot too and I dont see this same outrage smh, and when a month passes there will be another staged event for you fools to be distracted by, while the agenda gets to the point where it will be unleashed on you, IM JUST SAYING! Now go do your Ice Bucket Challenge smh.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:40:11 +0000

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