OK! ITS OSCAR TIME! HERE IS MY LIST OF WHAT/WHO I THINK SHOULD WIN. Mind you, I have not seen 12 Years a Slave (I will tomorrow!) and added their nominees to my list because I am sure it will live up to the hype! Gravity/12 Years a Salve: I know it got a lot flack for being Not-So-True-In-Real-Life, but GRAVITY was an overall movie experience that stayed with me even after months of seeing it! I ACTUALLY SAW IT TWICE! Leonardo/Chiwetel: Both the Tripping at the Country Club and Rubber Man Dancing were memorable and amazing scenes, among the many others. Its been a long time coming and he deserves it for this one! Sandra/Meryl: Its a tie for me! Sandra with her Meryl Streep Acting Eyes, which pretty much carried the film and Meryl with her...well, her Meryl Streep Acting Eyes, once again leaves me in awe! Lets just rename the Oscars to the Meryls and call it a day! Jared Leto/Michael Fassbender: He totally got lost in his character and I still think it was his twin sister playing the role! Julia Roberts/Lupita Nyongo: There was one other time when Julia played a part that was as raw and as real as this one...and she won the Oscar for it. She has finally done it again! LIST OF WHAT/WHO THE ACADEMY WILL PICK: They like to Spread the Love and my comments are based on their Looking Good for Reputation Sake, as well as, Hollywood Politics and not necessarily what and who should REALLY deserves it for their craft! 12 Years a Slave: I have not seen it yet and I am sure it deserves it, but its Hollywoods Reparation for The Color Purple. Both the film and Whoopi should have won it (and Oprah as well!) and I still feel that when they gave it to her for Ghost... it was too little too late! So, they will make it All-Right by giving it to 12 Years a Slave...AMEN! Matthew McConaughey: The Duck Dynasty with the Heart of Gold!. Its Hollywoods way of flipping the bird to the Camouflage Gun Loving Anti-Gay Duck Callers in protest to them in ruffling some LA feathers. You also got the Straight Guy with AIDS twist that some might feel more sympathetic because...well, hes a Straight Guy with AIDS! Not that Matthew doesnt deserve an Oscar, but its Oscars way to kill two birds with one statuette. Cate Blanchett: Hollywood LOVES Woody, but Hollywood HATES Woody for imposing them with his Family Affairs. So, they will give an Oscar to one of his Actresses, instead to Woody himself, as a type of protest to his indiscretions. The movie also has a Ponzie Less Desired theme combining a classic American fiction with classic American greed. Once again, Cate did a wonderful job channeling her best Blanche-ett (HA!) and that comparison is what the Academy loves! Jared Leto: TransAmerica (starring the Oscar nominated Felicity Huffman) was the first baby step that Hollywood took in recognizing a truer transgender story. This subject has also been in the lime light in the recent media and Hollywood would like to switch the negative attitude towards trans-gender(s). Plus, Hollywood LOVES a man in a dress! I KNOW ITS NOT THE SAME...but from John Lithgow to Dustin Hoffman, they love to see them dress-up and its a Drag that they dont know the difference! :o( Lupita Nyongo: See my comments on 12 years a Slave. Add the fact that an African-American woman has not won an Oscar for Best Actress in a while, but to amend that, they will hand over a Best Supporting Actress statuette. I have not seen the movie YET and I am sure she deserves it, but I am just picking the brain of the Academy and their reasons in selecting what/who should win! To be honest, other than the American Hustle nominations, (I thought the movie and actors were good, but others like Tom Hanks, Emma Thompson, the other sisters in August: Osage County, etc. were much better!) I would be happy with any of the winners! BUT I AM ROOTING FOR GRAVITY, SANDRA or MERYL!!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 18:16:21 +0000

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