OK, Im on a roll. I over heard someone, two so called Christians - TopicsExpress


OK, Im on a roll. I over heard someone, two so called Christians make a remark, about someone today that really pitched me off. They were talking about a certain lady, I said really, shes one of the humblest young ladies I know and she is. None of us have been saved all of our lives, yet some of us walk around with our noses in the air, eyes cocked up, looking down on others who we feel are not saved, or living the way they live. All of us have sinned and fallen short. We were born in sin. How are you living? You may have a big fine earthly house, but do you have your spiritual house in order. You need to stop thinking so highly of your self. Others may not have what you have, but God loves them just the same. You better be careful, because that same person you look down on today may be the same person who will have to hand you a glass of water tomorrow!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 01:21:19 +0000

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