OK LARD ASS IS ABOUT TO LOSE SOME WEIGHT. Photo to come.. This - TopicsExpress


OK LARD ASS IS ABOUT TO LOSE SOME WEIGHT. Photo to come.. This is my log on my weight loss journey.. Been pushing weights most of my life for fun.. But for various reasons have either ignored diet or been forced to ignore my diet as a result am way over weight. Time to strip off the fat and see if there is any muscle underneath lol Basic plan. Fast until lunch time.. Then I have a protein based diet cutting out bad fat and sugars of course.. Im doing a 35% carbs and 35% protein, 30% fat split. On 2400 cals for first couple of weeks... From experience Ill make weight lifting gains at the gym for aprox 2 to 3 weeks then Ill start to lose strength.. As soon as the gains stop, Ill bump that up to 2600 cals until I start to struggle and bump that up again.. etc, until I reach maintenance.. training at maintenance level, Ill still change body composition so I should still make small gains in my weights and still lose fat.. perhaps sit just under maintenance.. So after the initial fast weight loss, its going to be slow going for me.. I get in a good half hour or more of cardio a day so that will help.. Tempted to do a before photo and an after.. Not brave enough to do the before.. Ok Sunday, 119kg. Training was just chest work out and half an hour of boxing for cardio. Didnt count calories.. Monday 13/10/2014 17.4kg Back and traps. Half an hour of boxing.. 2000 cals.. Too low Tuesday.. The dreaded lack of sleep thats been stopping my weight loss goals happened again.. Didnt get much sleep due to young one not been able to sleep.. So couldnt be assed going to the gym today.. Managed to count calories.. 2600 cals... Mainanence level is aprox 3000 cals for my weight, and taking in to account daily activity.. (gym) So Im still good to lose weight..
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 08:03:51 +0000

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