OK.....LET ME CLEAR ON THIS: The passing of Robin Williams was no - TopicsExpress


OK.....LET ME CLEAR ON THIS: The passing of Robin Williams was no doubt shocking...but also so were the deaths of Mike Brown, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Jordan Davis, and God knows how many other countless faceless African-Americans at the hands of senseless justified violence...at the end of the day, NO DEATH TRUMPS THE OTHER, REGARDLESS OF SOCIAL STATUS: TRAGEDY IS TRAGEDY, PERIOD. We all know, loved, and appreciated Robins gift of comedy and acting and truly value his extensive body of work in the entertainment world...weve heard his name for decades...thats why we connect with and feel a sense of great loss with him (at least I do), because of the amount of joy hes given us throughout the years. Unfortunately, my fallen Af-Am brothers are famous for a DIFFERENT reason...but Im STILL connected to them as well.....because their lives were just as important...and they are an extension of ME. As I stated in an earlier post: depression is REAL...but so are the seemingly patterned deaths of my Af-Am brothers in these streets. Statistically speaking (and of course Im not wishing EITHER on myself), but I, as a Black man, am more likely to experience a wrongful violent encounter than depression, and in many cases, probably both....but BOTH problems have a root, and a solution needs to be explored and put into action...not always necessarily in a public forum, but in our own private circles and communities. Weve GOTTA push forward progressively, people....If you know someone whos dealing with an issue, you may have NO idea how deep that issue may run for them...minor to you could be major for them...dont brush it off...reach out. Tell them you love them, and MEAN it....let them know how important they are to you and MEAN IT....be there for them, whether they want you to be or not...weve gotta be more sensitive, accountable and compassionate toward each other, long after this fades from news. And as far as this senseless violence, until were able to solve this problem, in the meantime CAN WE PLEEEEEEEEASE STOP POSTING THESE FIGHT VIDEOS?!?!?!?!?!? What are we accomplishing as a people by spreading THAT cancer? Whats tragically ironic is that the same people that continue to post this ignorance are probably the same ones posting Justice for Mike, Eric, Trayvon, etc.....to those people I ask you.....whose side are YOU really on? Whats entertainment to you is real life to those people on camera...one day it could be your child or family member on camera....or even YOU...would you post it THEN?? I dont get it... Ok....***woo-sah***....sorry for the loooong rant/vent....had to get it off my chest and share with you....onward and UPward, good people, not downward....I love yall for taking the time out to read this....and I MEAN it!!!! ...have a great Tuesday....God is good....
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 11:16:44 +0000

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