OK LISTEN UP, IVE HAD IT UP TO HERE WITH PEOPLE TELLING US WE BOUGHT FAKE LIKES! WE DID NOT. WE POSTED THIS A YEAR AGO AND ITS STILL TRUE TO THIS DAY! READ IT, I BELIEVE HONESTY BRINGS RESPECT! Dear fans of Black Hare, From all the members of the band, Black Hare, we would like to inform you of something that is currently going on with our page, and many other bands have been affected too. A little bit of background first. We have used some Facebook ads here or there to help promote some shows and some of our songs in the past. You know: the ones that you can pay a few bucks to push it out to our fans next to some of the posts. We simply wanted to ensure everyone got the information so they could show up to our shows. Currently, unless you subscribe to our page, only 20 percent of the fans receive the feed. Now, some serious issues have happened. Likes started exploding. At first, we started to get excited and happy that our music is reaching people and causing a positive reaction. It emboldened us to push out our music video and push our youtube page and reverb pages. Although a lot of these new likes are from many parts of the USA, and we have connected to these people on our personal pages, there are a sizeable amount that cannot be verified to be real. There is a current epidemic happening among many musicians at the moment on Facebook. And it is causing some serious harm to these kick ass bands. Promoting is a big part of being a band now days. More of a challenge than before. Not only do we have to street team, we have to keep up with all our social networks and keep things moving through to keep fans engaged. We love our fans and want them to be entertained. We want to give them a smile everyday. hypebot/hypebot/2013/05/fake-facebook-likes-causing-problems-for-bands-that-didnt-buy-them.html metalinsider.net/web-2oh-no/the-harm-of-fake-facebook-likes-and-its-effects-on-the-metal-community heavyblogisheavy/2013/04/29/bands-plagued-by-facebook-fake-like-crisis/ We want to be able to trust our facebook, youtube, and twitter hits. It seems like, at least for facebook. We cannot. And it is making us look like we have bought likes. We are against buying anything that boosts us in a fake fashion. We want engagement from our fans. And a solid barometer to the pulse of our fanbase. Black Hare wants to be heard. We want to be able to share our music with the fans that WANT to hear us. We dont need our egos fluffed with fake accounts. We are here for the music, and the fans. Facebook is being plagued by BOTs that have been confirmed coming from Peru, Egypt, Mexico, and Morrocco. These bots like bands in the same genre to seem more genuine and harder to target. If you are from one of these countries, and are a legit fan. Understand the situation please. And understand that we appreciate and love you all. Talk to us. Let us hear your voice! And if you are a true fan, I suggest you check our page regularly, because we cannot guarantee that the information will reach you now. Please, we are not the only ones dealing with this, there are alot of kick ass bands that have been legit getting this kind of fake crap going on. Be understanding and thank Facebook for allowing the bot epidemic to continue. We have already contacted Facebook without any reply back. Just wanted to ensure that you are aware of these issues, and spread the information to your friends. From all of Black Hare, thank you for your time. We love you and cant wait to rock you guys on this tour. And PLEASE SHARE this, because other bands may be getting the same issues and getting looked at in a negative way. Lets help each other out ok? Short Version/Silly version (ADHD) Look yo! There are Ninja facebook bots that are liking our page, and many other bands too! They are making our likes explode and diluting the information to our real fans we chat with everyday. Here are some references (that you wont look at 8P): hypebot/hypebot/2013/05/fake-facebook-likes-causing-problems-for-bands-that-didnt-buy-them.html metalinsider.net/web-2oh-no/the-harm-of-fake-facebook-likes-and-its-effects-on-the-metal-community heavyblogisheavy/2013/04/29/bands-plagued-by-facebook-fake-like-crisis/ The most fake bots are coming from Mexico, Egypt, Morrocco, and Peru. If you love us there and are not bots, we love you! If you are in the US and like us, we hate you...just kidding. Look dude/dudeses, it is hurting our other bands we love too! Just for being in the same genre man! Fake likes are stupid. And Lame. We dont like them either. I dont think anyone does. We want screaming crazies at our shows. Dont be hard on other bands that have this happening too. Ok? Nuff said, you want to know what we are doing? You have to visit our page often! Duh! Dont trust the feed man. From Black Hare: YOLO! #BlackHare
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 21:33:22 +0000

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