OK! So I have been nerding out and doing my research for almost 2 - TopicsExpress


OK! So I have been nerding out and doing my research for almost 2 hours on some theories for Thor 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers 2, and then Avengers 3. So here it goes. Avengers 2 will obviously be introducing Ultron, hence the name Age of Ultron. Now in the comics Ultron is created by Hank Pym, who we all know as Ant-Man. But due to many interviews with Joss Whedon, we are sure that there will be no Ant-Man. Instead Ultron is going to be created by Tony Stark, who in the trailer we see an Ultron looking helmet being made! Now Ultron in the comics used Jarvis to trick the Avengers and gather information, well Jarvis might not be human like in the comics, but he sure does exist in the movies as software. Ultron will use Jarvis in a similar way to fool the Avengers and betray them. Now Ultron creates Vision to help destroy the Avengers, but later teams up with them to help stop Ultron. I doubt but hope that he will be in the Avengers 2, but it seems like his part is being replaced by two new heroes. Scarlett Witch and Quick Silver. Now before that comes out Guardians of the Galaxy is coming out, but why? It seems so odd and random for them to create this movie. They created to introduce a few key subjects for Avengers 3. Guardians is introducing The Collector. An elder as he is called who is billions of years old. While being Billions of years old he has to entertain himself, hence The Collector. Now we meet the collector at the end of Thor 2, who is given one of the Infinity Stones. Yes thats right. Infinity Stones. Remember the Infinity Gauntlet that we saw in Thor for 5 seconds, well it will come into play. Anyway he is given one of them and as we know the gauntlet requires 6 to be active. It is said that the Tesseract (or Cosmic Cube) is one and it is being held on Asgard after The Avengers. Now the Collector will be featured more in Guardians and it is said that the Guardians have something of great value. This obviously means that they have an infinity stone. And the collector will be trying to receive them. Now why does the collector want them? Obviously because they are rare antiquities and thats what he likes. But theres something more behind that. At the end of the Avengers we see a short but memorable clip of Thanos grinning like he has something evil planned and of course he does. and so far it is working out fantastically! Lets go back to Thor shall we? We see that Loki craves Asgards Throne. But he cant have it and after a fight with Thor falls into deep space where he meets he Chitari or however theyre spelled. Meets with them and forms a deal with them to attack earth with a tesseract like staff. But they werent the only people that Loki made a deal with, he made a deal with a strange alien named Thanos. Thanos tells Loki to go and attack earth. Heres a powerful staff, all you have to do is attack kill thousands and then get caught and sent back to Asgard with the tesseract. Loki agrees with the thought of being promised the Throne to Asgard and does exactly that. But we knew something was off. He attacked Earth, why? He couldnt give a shit about humans or wanting to rule them. Even Tony Stark was questioning his actions but then was distracted by the events happening.The only reason thanos told Loki to go after earth is because of the Collector. The Collector was going to gather all the Stones and thanos would need to trade him something just as interesting for them. So he tells the collector that he wants all six stones and in exchange he will give The Collector the worlds 6 most interesting humans. The Collector wonders what could be so interesting about these people. So Thanos sends Loki to earth to cause all 6 of the Avengers to show what makes them so unique. After defeating the Chitari, Thanos goes back to the Collector and the collector agrees to gather up all the stones in exchange for the humans to be added to his collection. Now onto Thor 2. In Thor 2 Loki is sent back to Asgard and is in prison, with the Tesseract probably inside the vaults again. Exactly how thanos planned. So everything happens i believe Natalie Portmans character is sent to go awaken the bad guys, not by these random fluctuations, but by either Thanos or someone working for him. So after she awakes the people everything happens and Thor then defeats them. We see two endings. That Loki is impersonating the King and is on the throne like he wanted and we see Two of thors buddies giving The Collector one of the stones. This is still apart of Thanos plan. Loki is on the throne and another thing that Loki had to do for Thanos was to give him the Tesseract and the infinity gauntlet in which we saw in Thor. The Collector is now starting to gather them all up for Thanos obviously as i have said multiple times. Now that is my entire theory and insight about everything that is to be explained later. and good guess says im right with what i said. Now there are going to be more movies in between Avengers 3 and that will show more things and raise more questions and theories. Hope you all enjoyed reading, comment me your thoughts and opinions on everything i said!
Posted on: Thu, 17 Apr 2014 23:54:36 +0000

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