OK, THIS IS A RANT OF SORTS ... HOW DO YOU WANT TO LIVE? Focus on Achieving Your Dreams And Stop Trying To Destroy The Dreams Of Others With Gossip and Rumours. You dont have to love or even like everybody but if you want to live well, you need to develop the willingness to get along with others and to allow others the freedom to be - especially as they work hard to create their on well-being, building their business and brand. YOU HAVE NO PLACE TRYING TO DESTROY OTHERS WELL-BEING JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE WHO THEY ARE OR WHAT THEY STAND FOR! AND Blaming someone else for starting or passing on gossip about a person is no justification that lets YOU off the hook for your choice to participate. The moment you decide to participate by spreading the gossip is the same moment you will take full and complete responsibility and accountability for YOUR actions. At some point, this will catch up with you. Its no one elses fault if you are a trouble-maker. Peoples lives are impacted by rumours and gossip - and not everyone who this happens to/about is equipped to cope with the stress of this happening to them. We all know what it feels like to be accused of something we have not actually done and even if you were there, its only YOUR version of the story my love. Keep that in mind next time you start or spread shit about someone. I feel sick by these situations. And as always, its people who hang from their self-righteous, self-appointed position of importance mixed with a tinge of arrogance who stir up these kinds of pots and create a cocktail of destructive force. Dont you already have enough shit to worry about in your life? I am not afraid to stand up to Bullies - are you? BUT Dont be one and dont bully the bullies, it just makes more bullies (thanks Kid President). However, dont be afraid to say its not ok and have the courage to address the situation directly. Defend yourself and tell your side of the story - if for no other reason than to afford yourself the right of response. When I was once attacked on FB, my husband and I made a video response and shared it with the people caught up by what this guy had try to do to us. Once people heard the full story, their views changed significantly. Im not saying to take my idea/advice but I am saying, dont be intimidated by the damage someone is trying to cause you. You dont have to love everybody, you dont have to even like everybody BUT you do need to get along and allow others to be who they are without you trying to manipulate peoples minds and attitudes about someone - especially by attacking their reputation, brand and business - you are attacking the very livelihood and the financial wellbeing of the people who work for them too. If youve got issues with someone, they are YOUR issues alone - dont try to poison and infect others with your venom too - thats not how to make yourself feel better. I have issues with people, we all do. They dont get resolved or dissolved until you decide to release them and get over your own prejudices too. /RANT Now, take a deep breath with me and enjoy this inspiring message on living a well life, especially the bit about apologies. And hang around with me, if you also want to have fun!!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 23:41:23 +0000

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