OK, TIME TO PUT THIS ISSUE TO REST…THERE IS NOTHING IN THRIVE, IN ITS CURRENT FORMULATION, THAT IS DANGEROUS IF USED AS INSTRUCTED BY LE-VEL!!! Can some of the products cause problems if taken in too great an amount? Sure, but as I have said before, oxygen and water can be toxic if used inappropriately! Can an individual have an adverse reaction to a component in Thrive, yes, but that is true of anything in life. You just don’t know. Were you born with a “no risk” guarantee attached to your placenta? Bet not... I have heard people talk about hepatotoxicity from the use of Thrive. Can it happen, possibly, but where is the documentation. Is it guilt by association? I have searched the medical literature regarding particular ingredients in the Thrive product line and have not seen any clear evidence of toxicity unless it is abused or used in ridiculous quantities. Can you find an empirical case study that MAY show a link with toxicity, possibly. Can you find cautionary statements on the hardcore medical sites, yes, but the use of caution is just common sense! Many physicians have looked at this product line and have determined, like me, it is not harmful when used as instructed. Additionally, it provides the vitamin, nutrient, enzyme, prebiotic, probiotic, and mineral support that our emotionally, environmentally, nutritionally, and physically stressed bodies need to perform at an optimum level. I have seen blog sites from others that you could duplicate the same effect for your body by “eating the right diet.” Yes, that may be true, but what percent of the population can conform to that lifestyle? “If you just got off your butt and exercised, ate right, and lived right, you would not need this product.” Well, possibly that is correct, but GET REAL! I am pretty darn good at living a “healthful” lifestyle, but I cannot guarantee that I can support the optimum nutrition from what I eat and drink. Sure, if I lived in the mountains, had a 9-5 job, no pressures, financially independent, access to organic markets, and no kids, I could be 98% effective at attaining that goal of health success without supplementing my life. Will you find cynics out there, oh yes, they are out there en-masse. Will you find medical professionals that are negative or cautious? Of course, that is how we are trained. Will you find isolated case studies of harm, yes. But life IS risk!!! The majority on Thrive are starting out from a less than healthy start. Many are having amazing results, improving their health to the point of being able to exercise, interact, and engage in their lives for the first time. Would you take that away from them because of a statistically rare chance of an adverse event? I see over and over in the medical literature the idea that the current health care crisis of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, nutritional deficiency, depression, anxiety, and chronic pain are at staggering levels and creating great risk of death and morbidity - so why negate the single best premium lifestyle program on the market today? …and to the “oh, that is just a rip-off, pyramid scheme, waste of money” negativity crowd. My advise…LEAD, FOLLOW, OR GET OUT OF MY WAY!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 17:40:31 +0000

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