OK, assuming LOS2 never happened, here are some of my thoughts for - TopicsExpress


OK, assuming LOS2 never happened, here are some of my thoughts for how the saga should have ended: 1. Dracula, now a Lord of Shadow, should ultimately have faced his light brother, Gabriel, as the final confrontation. At the end of LOS Gabriel vanquished Satan and in doing so split his dark from his light half. The dark half, who would become Dracula, was left on Earth while his pure half ascended to Heaven as did the previous 3 Brotherhood of Light leaders. At least for me, it seemed like the point was to build Dracul to be as evil as possible, killing generations of Belmonts, resurrected continuously, more powerful than Alucard or Satan and his acolytes. To stop him, to close the loop and end his reign of evil, only his other half could end him and his cursed existence. 2. Zobek/Death should have played a more important role in aiding Dracula. In Castlevania history, Death has always served Dracula, and it could have been interesting to see that dynamic either with partner mechanics (as seen a bit in LOS) or in progressing the story further rather than watch Dracula play errand boy an entire game. 3. The open world idea could have been really cool, especially if it highlighted areas from previous games (if even in concept and/or tip of the hat) like mansions, Wallachia countryside, or even areas of the castle. Castlevania City is just lazy writing, and the back-and-forth jumping between a sparse, futuristic city and dream state castle makes for a jarring narrative and confusing set of goals. If this Dracula is set in the future and the castle revives as an entity unto itself, itd have been awesome to see hordes of invading acolytes (or Brotherhood warriors) or Draculas own creatures beset against him in his own territory so he can fully showcase his powers and leverage the diverse areas of Castlevania from the perspective of Dracula. The LOS2 demo set this idea up well, it was a shame they didnt run with it more. 4. Classic creatures. While the LOS universe is unique, we saw glimpses of enemies and allies in the first and MOF. A few several hundred years later and itd be great to have seen a few more familiar faces from the wealth of characters the series is known for. Legion, Galamoth or others could have been given supporting spots as either friends or foes. 5. Keep it epic, but fun. Dracula rides a flaming canister? No thanks. Dracula destroys Carmilla? Yeah, that villain was shady and deserved the shaft she got! Overall, the tone of LOS was dark but beautiful and the stakes built over the game to a fever pitch. It could have been more fun to be so bad as the Prince of Darkness, and making Dracula embrace his wickedness versus dwell on his sadness (which wed already seen glimpses of in MOF) seems more appropriate for the character and could have turned the gameplay mechanics on their head in fun ways. Unleashing hordes of Medusa Heads on intruders or controlling level traps to drive terrified invaders to their doom sounds more fun than sneaking about in stealth mode as a rat. Just my thoughts, let me know what you think!
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:07:01 +0000

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