OK, everybody breathe. You guys on the right: you havent saved - TopicsExpress


OK, everybody breathe. You guys on the right: you havent saved America. Were still doomed. You guys on the left: we havent been set back 50, 100 or a thousand years. Go ahead and post your memes of hope or despair if it makes you feel better for a moment, but government isnt your salvation or your doom. It never was. Those LTOBs in DC arent going to end poverty, but they never were. They arent going to give you back the Bill of Rights, but they never were. They arent going to stop accepting huge money from the banks and corporations, but they never were. They want us divided, and thats where the professionally crafted memes come from. Its propaganda. Ditto the news networks. Dont let such things upset you. Look around you. When I look around me I see people on the left and on the right who are wonderful friends. My friends on the left dont want to destroy America. My friends on the right dont want to starve anyone or pollute the air or shred whats left of the Bill of Rights. But those people in DC want you to think so. And thats why you get those convenient memes asking you to hate people who dont agree with you. It serves their ends to keep you in a state of rage or panic. They filter down fresh new memes from the top within hours to handle anything that happens that will get you all excited. Dividing us works. Its the key to their power. And they desire power above all else. (LOTR reference) And you arent going to deny them that power at this point. No matter how many memes you share. No matter how much you cry or rejoice about the election results. The Republican party is going to dial things back juuuuust enough to encourage the right and enrage the left, and no more. Because all those programs you love or hate? Thats power. If they repeal Obamacare, Ill buy you dinner and margaritas and give you a massage. If they restore your right to due process, Ill celebrate with you. But its not going to happen. Why? Because power. So instead of believing the crap in those memes, look at your friends of other political positions and ask yourself: is it possible that Ive been buying a bill of goods? You want world peace? Try working for peace with your neighbors. Theyre within your reach. You want to save the earth? Improve your yard. Its within your reach and under your authority. Youre scared of black people or white people or gay people or straight people or people who look different? Get to know them. You might be surprised how NICE they can be when some highly paid political analyst isnt working on you or them. Wondering how this or that person can possibly believe that nonsense theyre so passionate about? Listen to them. Chances are, youll discover that their motives and concerns arent what youve been told. Youre under no obligation to agree with them, but try to understand where theyre coming from. Stop trying to save the environment for a minute, and get out there and enjoy it. Its a beautiful world. Do this often. And then look for ways you can improve it. You. Not somebody else. And please believe me, helping somebody get elected isnt going to make any difference to the earth. Nobody with a career in politics cares one way or the other. Nobody. At all. I know you have your passions. I have mine, too. But my friends are far more important than their passions, and I hope that I am more important to you than my passions. I love liberty. You love... something. Probably something good. But we arent going to get what we want from the lying thieving oath-breaking bastards that control the ballots and debates. So Im planting onions and cilantro and spinach, and Im going to see if I can go visit Alaska again. Or Scotland. Or you. No matter what your passions and opinions are. Life is good. Be there.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 21:50:50 +0000

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