OK folks, Ive been getting request to come out of retirement to - TopicsExpress


OK folks, Ive been getting request to come out of retirement to provide some Biggest Loser Reality checks...enjoy The Biggest Fail 2014 Ok, so the Biggest loser is back, after watching the first few episodes it is pretty clear to me that its offering nothing new, just the same fat exploitation, infomercial esque, unreality TV . It makes me question why is this show is so popular? I am confused because every health professional I know who is involved with working overweight people consider the show to be an absolute train wreck. So it makes me wonder about the people who watch the Biggest Loser, what exactly is it they are getting out it? IF they wanted to be inspired by exercise and athletic performance then we literally just had the Australian Open tennis, cant get much more inspirational than watching elite athletes do their thing. But I don’t think this is it. Problem is we know by tons of research out there that watching sport, or exercise, fails to motivate people to do actual exercise. Perhaps its more about the “everyman”, where the average person at home can relate to the contestant. But the contestant is placed in a very bizarre environment, which is far removed from the realities of home life, hardy making it average. Infact its pretty much the opposite of average. Maybe folks at home want to be inspired by the contestant ability to eat clean, train hard, and shed the kilos. “If they can so it, so can I”, but we know that the inspiration from this show is fleeting, and perhaps a little misguided. Shouldn’t we see a massive spike in gym memberships, bootcamp attendances or what ever is the current new fitness tend….Cycle-Box….pedal your bike while doing bag drills…are you in? Could it be they want psudeo Personal Training sessions from the comfort of the couch? Shannon, Michelle and the commando, getting you to move and groove at home, maybe this is why the gyms are not swamped with new members? I even recall a study that indicated that calorie consumption and physical activity levels decrease whilst people are watching the show, popcorn biggest loser nights are on! I wonder if its education, teaching average Joe at home that the 35 calories in the apple they just ate will take exactly 12.24 minutes to burn off on that treadmill. We know that caloric restrictive diets are very problematic, but hey, the show promotes it anyway as a means to lose weight. It also helps sell more craptastic health bars, or whatever product the show is endorsing this year. But the cynic in me thinks that people who actively watch the biggest loser have some sort of perverse interest in watching people fail. We know that contestant on the show are in bad shape, usually physically and emotionally, they are vulnerable, and easy targets for the TV shows producers to manipulate. Every week we see contestants fails at challenges, fail at sticking to their diets, and god forbid fail to lose weight! Placing people in highly compromising, embarrassing scenarios, where they are put under physical and emotional duress to illicit some form emotional reaction is in rather poor taste in my opinion. If people are interested in the micro politics of the “game” then I wonder what is lacking in their own personal life that they feel the need to invest 4-6 hours per week, for an entire season, watching this trash. Ironically, If the person at home spent that 4-6 hours per week off the couch, doing some exercise, and eating a simple healthy diet, then I would suggested the biggest loser as a show would not be around for very much longer. This we male me happy
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 02:51:12 +0000

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