OK folks here is a rant. It is a rant that I think many people - TopicsExpress


OK folks here is a rant. It is a rant that I think many people will appreciate and many people in my shoes might understand others not so much. If this steps on your toes…good. I have issue with people with no real weight problems passing judgment on those of us who do. I know that there are people out there that have a weight problem because they are gluttonous and make no effort to take care of themselves in any way. But most of these people are the exception not the rule. I was a 9lb baby. I have been a big guy my entire life. I was skinny when I came out of basic training and maintained that weight until I actually got a life and had more to do than go to the gym and work out twice a day. As life went on and my focus was taken off of myself and was put on taking care of my wife and kids, there was less time for workouts and yes, fast food was not only fast but I could grab lunch for a buck or two while I was busting my butt to take care of my family. I am now 49 years old and I am a large man. I do not always make the right choices when it comes to eating but I am aware that I need to make better choices, and I do often. The veggie burgers at BK aren’t bad. I could always do better but couldn’t we all I have arthritis in my knees and back. Some people might make a judgment that it is because I am larger and it has taken a toll on my body. While there might be some truth to that, these people never consider that the physical activity that I did when I was younger like, marching and running for miles during my military years, water skiing constantly in the summer, walking around everywhere with my children on my shoulders… Occasionally, when I am at Wal-Mart, my knees hurt. Many times I could use one of those carts that they provide to ride in but I won’t because of people’s attitudes. What attitudes you ask? The attitude that every time you see a larger person using one, people assume they are just too lazy to walk. This was recently confirmed to me by people that I love very much because they actually said it not thinking that I have considered using one of these carts myself on occasion. My point is this. To all of my friends that are in good health and do not struggle as some of us do with weight problems you are blessed, enjoy it, but be careful what you say. Be careful not to pass judgment. Be careful, especially those of you under the age of 40 because you may be surprised by the changes that you body seems to go through overnight, on the evening of your 40th birthday. Words and attitudes can hurt people you love. I am a large person, there is more of me for you to love. So...SHUT UP! LOL
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 17:30:15 +0000

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