OK here goes I havent said much on the St Louis deal. I am not a - TopicsExpress


OK here goes I havent said much on the St Louis deal. I am not a racist and never have been so it wont do anyone any good to call me one as I am not white so lets not even go there. I do not support LEOS eather as to what they have become the last several years. but I have NO use for race baiters no mater what race they proclaim to be. I am tired of the Race card being played by extremest groups. Its about the people NOT the race. this is AMERICA not an islam sate and not a race state a Peoples state. Wake the hell up they have used this bull shit agenda since the 50s to keep us separated as People. they attempted to use it in FL earlier and here we go again BS is what I call and see. If anyone comes to my car hits me and attempts to take my weapon from me they are dead it dont matter what the hell color you are you will be dead (Period). I hear them talking about how gentle a soul he was and I see the race Baiters from the tyranical Gov. even is supporting them by attending the family quake. its good that they support the family but it would be nice if they did for the right reason not a political reason. if he was so nice then answer this question why is there a Vid where he just strong armed a innocent person for a few cigars. and why did he not listen to the officer when he was first asked to get off the street and to the side walk that is all he would of had to do then the guy might have just moved on he had no idea what was going on and was not looking for this guy. also why would he have done the things that was said by wittnesses that he done. Innocent NO Created his own problim YES take this how ever you want I dont care your opinion on this Truth herts some times so Deal with it as I am an American and I believe in our Country and Constitution and its time we stopped this crap from taking place and fought for our country together as one and stop them from dividing us over stupid crap. We are a People an American people no matter what color we are and its time we acted like it instead of falling into there damn traps all the time.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 19:54:14 +0000

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