OK...here goes...unfriend me. I know I will lose some over this - TopicsExpress


OK...here goes...unfriend me. I know I will lose some over this one but here goes. I had a friend pose a question on his wall asking the question about opinions on all these kids coming to our country. My answer was very short and honest...my true feelings. I said, Thats a tough and touchy subject, but what would Jesus do? Man, I got lit up by some of his friends big time. Apparently I was not politically correct. After watching them rant all day, this was my final post. Im going to share to show everyone how I truly feel about this situation. I know many of you will not agree and thats OK. But its my true feelings.....so, with no further ado.....rant on: Just wanted to clear the air, and then Ill back away. Just because Im a religious man, does not mean I am not for whats best for America. I absolutely, 100%,wish our borders were not so easy to compromise. It makes me sick to my stomach to see American people being taking advantage of because of our good nature. I wish the kids would stay put with their families like they belong. But they didnt. They are here. Its not their fault. They are kids. They have no idea whats going on. All they know is their parents loaded them up in vehicles and got rid of them. never to see them again. We need to do whatever any good person with any kind of feelings whatsoever would do. If someone showed up at my front door, homeless, looking for something to eat, I would invite them in. I would feed them, comfort them, and send them on their way.I didnt say i would offer them a permanent bedroom. I would take care of the situation at hand and then deal with future. When I stated What would Jesus do, that was an honest question i put before you. Not a religious fanatic statement. A question. An honest question for you to think about. I love my country. I am for whats right or wrong. I believe in America and what we stand for. I appreciate what our soldiers fight for everyday. For me. They lay it all on the line, for me. So please do not ever think for one moment, because of the simple question I asked, that I am not for our country and what we stand for.I simply have One that I answer to, and that is Him. I love you all and may God bless you all. So there you have it...my true feelings over the kids America has inherited.We didnt ask for them. But then again, they didnt either. Deuteronomy 10:18 18 He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. Amen
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 11:28:59 +0000

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