OK, here is some of my dark sense of humor on display. A few days - TopicsExpress


OK, here is some of my dark sense of humor on display. A few days ago I got one of those spam emails from Tomas Marales the Dean of the school I graduated. Cal State San Bernardino. Here is what it said. Dear George, I’m delighted that, in the coming weeks, I will be communicating with you not only through the Coyote Communiqué newsletter, but also with video messages that will allow me to share information about topics and issues that are important to the CSUSB family. My intent is to delve deeper into subjects that are of interest to the future of our great university. So here is my response Hey Tomas, just want to say that this Bachelors of Arts Degree in Psychology from your university is not giving me much luck. I cant even find a full time minimum wage job with it! In fact probably in about 2 weeks Ill be homeless. I probably should buy a couple of college T Shirts when I become homeless so I can wear it proudly when I start pan handling. I am certain the extra advertisement for your college will bring in boat loads of students. Sincerely, An alumni of your illustrious school George Riley.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 15:01:54 +0000

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