OK heres something real tight for you. I hear a lot of folks - TopicsExpress


OK heres something real tight for you. I hear a lot of folks saying I CANCEL EVERY ASSIGNMENT OF THE DEVIL OVER MY LIFE. But ask yourself...what if Jesus said that on Calvary? What if Joseph said that in the pit? What if Paul said that on the road to Damascus? No pit, no prison...no prison, no pontifers house...no pontifers house, no palace...no palace, no Israel....no Israel, no Jesus. Sometimes Gods plan for your life may include the devils assignment. What the devil meant for evil, God can turn it around for your good. Remember...There can be no resurrection without there first being a crucifixion. If you are a called child of God, EVERYTHING is working together for your good. The devils assignment may be the very thing that God is going to use to raise you up higher...and you done went and canceled it. I have to admit...quoting that does sound real deep...but is it biblical? Think about all the hell youve been thru and how God used the devil to make you stronger, wiser, and better. Pick up your cross daily and follow Jesus.
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 15:49:36 +0000

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