OK it seems that the post I tried posting earlier is not playing - TopicsExpress


OK it seems that the post I tried posting earlier is not playing nice, so i am just gonna copy and paste this here and try to delete the old post. This happened in september. So I decided to post this little story that happened to me about 2-3 weeks ago. I believe this is a great feel-good story about dogs adoption. Athena decided to help herself to the fish food that she somehow gotten her paws on. I decided to take her to the NFB petsmart to get more fish food (not for Athena of course) and let her roam around the store. As we entered the store, Athena stood at attention, tail raised, alert ears and intense stare. Next couple of seconds later, she is practically dragging me towards something. She is usually very calm, and loves sniffing around the items as soon as she enters the store, so this was indeed a concern for me since it was out of her character. While I am trying to calm her down while she is scratch/running on the smooth petsmart floor, I noticed she was heading towards an elderly woman on a rolling walker, with a little girl next to her at the fish section. Athena had this intense concentration and was trying so hard to get to these two people. While I was praying that Athena doesnt cause any harm (btw, she has not bitten anyone), the elderly woman and the little girl froze in place at the impending black dog charging at them. What happens next was a crazy situation. When Athena reached them, she ignored the little girl and wrapped herself around the elderly lady legs, almost knocking her out of her rolling walker and whining loudly, tail wagging furiously and just being all excited. I got her under control at this point, and it seems that Athena really liked being around this elderly lady. As I tried to calm Athena down by calling her name and pulling her away and apologizing for Athenas exuberance enthusiasm, the elderly lady (after recovering her shock and rubbing Athenas head and back) mentioned that she too had a dog named Athena that looked very similar to Athena too. So I asked her what happened to her dog, and this is where the most amazing conversation happened. It turns out that she had surrendered her dog to the local SPCA because she couldnt take care of her dog. As I mentioned that I had actually adopted Athena from the same SPCA, we pieced our stories and time line together and it turned out that Athena was the very same dog that she had surrendered. Athena remembered her previous owner and went straight for her. So after reuniting with her dog, the elderly lady introduced Athena to the little girl, whom Athena licked furiously and caused the little girl to laugh. The elderly lady was pleasantly surprised for a few things: 1) Athena was afraid of men and somehow Athena was used to me. I did tell her that Athena didnt liked me when I first saw her at the SPCA though and she laughed. 2) She was very happy that Athena found an owner that could give Athena the love and care that she couldnt anymore. 3) Athena was very fit and seemed to enjoy her outings, such as sniffing other people (which Athena was very skittish about strangers). As I let Athena enjoy her reunion with her previous owner, I offered to give her my correspondence so that if she wants, she can see Athena any time she wants. The elderly lady politely declined, saying that she didnt want to cause any separation anxiety between herself and Athena before thanking me on my offer. She did however thanked me for taking good care of Athena and that she was really grateful and happy that Athena was left in good hands judging on the brief interaction she had with Athena and how Athena has become more confident and not skittish. As we parted our ways, Athena propped herself on the rolling walker and appeared to give the elderly lady a few kisses before Athena decided that it was enough and followed me deeper into the store. It is a sweet reunion and as I reflected on this, I realized that adopting Athena did wonders for all the parties involved. So if you are interested in adopting a dog, check out the local shelter. You never know what awesome pet you can find, and how your adoption may benefit all who are involved including the previous owner. I am truly grateful that Athena accepted me as her owner and that I was able to give closure to someone who has spent a lot of time with Athena. A happy ending/closure for the previous owner.
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 18:16:17 +0000

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