OK just something I felt the need to post, it is pretty long so if - TopicsExpress


OK just something I felt the need to post, it is pretty long so if you dont have a minute or so to read it, just scroll on but I think it might prove interesting to you - p33ce asnd love as always kids!!! Ok I saw a post tonite on a friends feed where a young man was talking about police brutality, how the black race has been treated since slavery etc etc. And he mentioned something about being pulled over and being treated as a suspect, thinking he would die etc. He even said something about citing references other than what he saw on tv even though the video he posted was from MSNBC. Now I cant comment on how it is to be black because IM not, but I can say with impunity that I as a white man have been treated worse than I would have liked by law enforcement, as well as better. For example: When I was 16 I was chased by a county sheriff about a mile and a half while I was on my first real street bike. I pulled over immediately after seeing him and he accused me of doing over 100 mph down moreland drive, and over 80 thru a residential 25mph zone. He asked me if I was on a 750 cc bike and I said no its a 250. A Yamaha 250 Exciter. Top speed prolly with me on it might have been 80 mph. I even mentioned this to him. I was breaking the law but not like he thought. The area he caught up to me in had two severe flat curves that I didnt have the riding skills to navigate faster than prolly 35 or 40 mph, not to mention that the street ended in a T about 50 ft after the last curve. But according to him I was doing 80 the whole time. He wrote me up for 75 in a 25 mph zone anyway because he had already radioed he was in high speed pursuit of a suspect on a motorcycle running at that speed and he didnt want to look stupid. Standing before the judge, Neither I nor my parents were given a chance to speak as he told the judge whatever the courts thought was fine with him. I had my license taken for 60 days, on first offense. After my time was up, this same cop pulled me over no less than 7 times in the same truck, on the same road, over a license plate that he said he couldnt read. The last time I had 2 friends with me that got out of the truck and he actually unsnapped his holster, backed up 3 steps and ordered them back in the truck. And he never wrote me a ticket, not one time. I mentoned this to him and that if he pulled me over one more time there would be a problem. He left me alone after that. Same officer chased a buddy of mine at high speed on a 600 ninja and was deliberately trying to tag his rear wheel with his bumper. I know because they passed my dad and he saw it. My buddy lost him eventually, but if the cop had managed to tap that rear wheel my buddy would have died that day. Same officer I heard had brutality charges placed against him for roughing up a white woman while cuffing her in a hospital. She had come in to see her dad whom the officer had picked up for public drunkeness. He was made detective very soon after. A good friend of mine was stabbed by her sister with a steak knife. The girl had issues the family was trying to work out, and the stabbed sister wouldnt press charges. There was another county officer that would come to her at her place of work and show her on his pen how close her sister came to killing her and telling her she needed to press charges. He kept it up till she would be in tears, every day he came in for a week or so badgering her until me and 2 other friends found another cop we knew and asked him to intervene. The other officers supervisior was contacted and guess what? That offier made detective as well very soon after. At 19 I was muddin in an old truck I had and had prolly 5 or 6 guys in the back and 2 up front with me. We had stopped at a convienence store to grab some drinks. One of my buddies thought it would be funny to harrass the clerk a little. So when we left she called the law on us and we were pulled over on 11w by hawkins county. We were also draggin a cedar tree that I had run over and was hung in the bumper. I actually got out of the truck before the officer did because I didnt want him to see the 6 guys laying down in the bed of the truck. I could have been shot right then for rushing the cruiser but I had my wallet in one hand and my DL in the other. It was just a routine stop because I had a tailight out, he didnt know we were the ones the clerk had called about. He saw the guys in the back and after a few laughs about how cold it was he let us go. We got back to Kingsport, here come the hawkins country after us again. We were pulled over on Moreland drive. I got out mad because he was out of his jurisdiction - but he quickly apologized for pulling us over again. Apparently someone had run a volkswagen body to the top of Volunteer high schools flagpole and had cut the chain so it couldnt be brought down and he wanted to get our names and addresses. Sullivan South was playing them that week and guess where we all had went to school? Plus I had the starting center for Souths football team in the back, wearing his jersey. In about 5 minutes there were 4 Sullivan County and 5 Kingsport City surrounding my truck, lights sirens the whole 9 yards. Sullivan County was being cool to me but City were obnoxious about things, getting in my truck without asking or probable cause etc etc. I had a Kabar hunting knife on the dash along with a brick of 41 magnum silvertip hollow points. City wanted in my truck bad but it was County who asked if I would mind to let them search my truck. I said be my guest. They found nothing and we were allowed to leave after being ordered to take all the underage boys home. As a parting shot one of the City cops warned us if we ever saw that black and white pull up behind us we were going to jail because he didnt play. When I was in my 20s I had a 600 ninja that was tweaked a little and would fly like a scalded dog. I was doing over 100 mph on FT Henry Drive, which was 35 mph at that time. I had county in hot pursuit and didnt know it. I was pulled over by Kingsport city at MCDonalds and when I came to a stop, I pulled my helmet and got off the bike to get my wallet out. The cop unsnapped his holster and ordered me to get back on the bike. I didnt have a weapon, I didnt rush him, I simply got off my bike digging for my wallet. I got back on my bike and sat quietly. I got out of it without a ticket. Mainly because I did what I was told and didnt offer resistance. I saw a young man about 16 who while out with his dad was stealing cars. Kingsport City caught up with him and his dad and they fled, splitting up. The cops caught the kid right next to Ft Henry drive and was tackled. I was across the street talking with friends when we seen the officers bring him down. The kid stupidly threw a punch and the cop who tackled him, and outweighed him by probably 120lbs beat the living hell out of him. A few things about these stories: None of the people in them were black. Even though I was breaking the law, I did as the cop asked and nothing happened. I didnt even get a ticket. I did get my DL taken for 60 days and it was a BS deal but I was still breaking the law and somewhat got what I deserved. The one who offered resistance, ie the young man stealing cars, got the hell beat out of them. Even the young woman at the hospital was told to step back from her father at first. It was her resistance that caused her to be slammed against the wall and cuffed for obstruction. Didnt make what he did right, but if she had backed up, it could have ended differently. (I would have done the same thing she did too) I have family that are cops, some that were cops abroad, I also have friends who are cops. And the first thing I have always known is that you obey what they say without question because its for your own safety and theirs as well. When you resist, thats when things get hairy because unless a cop has esp or can tell the future, he doesnt know if you are going to offer him or an innocent violence, or if you are running for a weapon. At that point you become a suspect. Everyone is a suspect until they are shown thru their actions that they are a cooperative subject. Now I know that sounds like you are giving up your rights, but whats better? giving up your rights for a few minutes? or giving up your life because you acted unpredictably? Here is something I dont agree with and its called generalization. Because a certain percentage of young black men have shown themselves to be criminal, then all are treated that way regardless. Thats like saying all germans are genocidal maniacs because a large portion of them embraced nazism and committed those attrocities against jewish folk. In reality there were plenty of german folk who did not susbscribe to the nazi ideal and were even jewish themselves. We put japanese americans in internment camps after the japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. People were outraged but could any of us tell the difference between a japanese person living the american dream and a japanese person sympathetic to their nations cause? We did the same thing to the italians and germans living here as well, because there was no way to tell if they were trustworthy or not. Ever hear of the Battle of the Bulge? English speaking germans were parachuted behind our lines to infiltrate us during WWII. Some of them had been living in the US since before Hitler even declared war, and they left the US and joined germanys cause. We harbored these people them the whole time. But getting back to the cops - how are they supposed to tell the difference between a fine young man thats in pre med and the top of his class and the neighborhood drug dealer who may have raped and killed before? At a glance you cant, but there is an extreme likely hood that someone capable of violence or some criminal act will not obey an officer of the law. There is a double standard here that says police cannot profile anyone in regards to the law even though the same people who cry racial profiling say they cannot trust the law because of corrupt policemen. Well isnt that profiling the police? As a closing thought - the media is a tool, it doesnt matter if its print, online, on tv, or social media of any kind. And like any tool it can be used to spread the bias of any one person, or a hundred, or a thousand. Just because you read books that state certain facts does not in any way make them true. They are no different from any other media. People are biased by nature - it doesnt matter if you heard it tapped out in morse code over a telegraph receiver, or saw it scratched on a wall of a cave in Spain, its the still just the opinion of a specific person regardless of its integrity. Its up to all of us to allow what we see and experience to direct how we believe and what we believe in.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:21:55 +0000

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