OK, let me start this off by saying one thing: It is NOT ok to - TopicsExpress



OK, let me start this off by saying one thing: It is NOT ok to hit people. Now let me continue to the random opinionated rant. It is worse for a larger person to hit someone smaller than them. Even if the smaller person hits first. If Michael Cera punches Dwayne Johnson in the face, it is not OK for Dwayne to punch him right back. Dwayne can take the punch. Dwayne should do everything he can to peacefully restrain Michael Cera. If Dwayne punches Michael Cera in the face, Cera should run the hell away as fast as he can, because there is no way he can peacefully restrain the Rock, and no way he can stand up against him physically. Dwayne is an asshole for trying to kick poor little Michael Ceras ass. If I were a jury member and Dwayne Johnson was up on the stand trying to file assault charges on Cera, regardless of who hit who, I would be like, dude. Really? This is how I feel about domestic violence. Now I get that the man isnt always bigger or stronger than the woman, and I get that even when a woman is smaller, they still might have fighting technique and be able to kick ass. So I guess what Im saying here is I dont really see it as a gender thing. A giant body building woman and a male painter? I would see the woman at fault. A female champion boxer and a male accountant? The woman is the abusive one. People say its never OK to hit a woman, even in self-defense. My philosophy is its never OK to hit a person smaller and/or weaker than you, even in self-defense. It just so happens that women are usually the smaller ones. I think its the responsibility of the larger person to either restrain the attacker or diffuse the situation. Hit back, if necessary, but not with full-force. I dont really know what the definitive point of this rant was supposed to be, lol, but DONT HIT PEOPLE, OK? Especially little people. The end.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 22:30:00 +0000

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