OK, new tradition. Im calling it The Twelve Days of Thanksgiving. - TopicsExpress


OK, new tradition. Im calling it The Twelve Days of Thanksgiving. Mostly because Im that many days behind in my daily giving of thanks in this month of November. Story of my life, constantly working to catch up. So, here goes (with some appropriate musical backup), here are twelve of the things I am especially thankful for.... 1. My three RIDICULOUSLY brilliant children, who happen to be RIDICULOUSLY good looking, talented, funny, etc. (you get the idea). 2. My new daughter-in-law, that my brilliant son is giving me this week. Yes, thats right, I am a mother-in-law, but a good one I hope. Never believed in stereotypes. Cant wait to meet her in a couple of weeks. 3. My soon-to-be son-in-law, who really already is in my heart. He is the most spectacular man my oldest girl could have ever found to share her life (and completely weird family) with. 4. (OK, this one is weird.) An ex-husband with whom I made a family and that, despite our personal differences, has worked with me to keep us a REAL family. 5. My own amazingly complicated nuclear family of siblings that, in the words of my ex, was the biggest family of unrelated people he had ever met. Fine by me. It has worked for me all these many years. 6. My Mom. Too much to say on that. My best friend, woman I cant imagine living without, mentor, etc., etc. 7. My Pop. Most awesome Dad a person could ever have. By way of example, he spontaneously shared with my little girl tonight the story of his first dance with my Mom (her Grandma). I mean, really?!? How often does anyone find any man that great who 30+ years later remembers his first dance with his wife? 8. All of my friends throughout my life. They have helped me get to where I am now. 9. My love of the law, for which I must pay homage to Peter Irons, one of my professors at UCSD, who taught me that the law is ALWAYS about people. 10. My health and well-being. Because there have been times, I wasnt so sure. 11. Star Wars. 12. Doctor Who. youtu.be/rHsx3tFZDOk
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 00:39:50 +0000

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