OK, now I usually consider myself an open-minded guy who keeps his - TopicsExpress


OK, now I usually consider myself an open-minded guy who keeps his opinion to himself and withholds judgement of others. However, whatever the hell the girl in this video is trying to do is beyond me. What, exactly, is this exercise supposed to train? I am continually baffled by the inability of so called experts to actually come up with useful and logical exercises for the general population. In the video description it says: Adding bicep curls to Bosu Ball squats exercises the glutes and hamstrings more effectively. Now.. How exactly does throwing bicep curls into the mix exercise the glutes and hams more effectively? The answer? They dont. For those of you new to fitness and training, do not be fooled by videos like this that mask incompetence with the illusion of complexity and with a spokesperson that appears fit. Just because the girl in the video appears to be in good shape, it doesnt mean she used this exercise to get there. My guess is she looked like this to begin with. Also, it is easy to dupe the masses that exercises like this are useful. That is because they appear difficult. Ok, try this: juggle a few 4 kilo kettlebells while blindfolded sitting cross-legged on a BOSU ball. Yes Im sure that is very hard, but what are you achieving besides learning that one particular skill? The short answer, nothing. The purpose of exercise is to stimulate improvements in functional ability through increases in muscular size and strength, and concurrently active mobility, endurance, and resilience to injury. This exercise violates all of those principles. It is not safe and it does not effectively load muscle. Advocates of BOSU ball training will say that it involves more muscle but what they fail to distinguish is the difference between muscular INVOLVEMENT and muscular RECRUITMENT. This exercise may have a high level of muscular involvement but it is difficult and nearly impossible to achieve a high level of muscular recruitment safely. All this exercise will accomplish is to make you tired and possibly injured, with little to no improvement in GENERAL strength and physical appearance. However! Do not assume I am the enemy of BOSU balls! BOSU balls have their place, mostly in ankle rehab to re-establish proper neuromuscular firing of ankle stabiliser muscles. It may also be useful in training the upper extremities as they can be developed well in open-chain environments. Also, individuals with a high general tonus in the body may benefit from BOSU ball exercises but this in order to relax and de-tonify muscle, not strengthen or exercise it as this video claims. No, the path to progress is through ruthless simplicity, continuous progression, and no-bullshit methods. Dont let the internet fool you people! Lift heavy, train smart, and go have a life. Thats all.. Now click the video below for some weekend comedy. youtube/watch?v=kav2ndhc6h8&feature=relmfu
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 17:25:42 +0000

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