OK people. For me, this is a bit of a breakthrough. If you havent - TopicsExpress


OK people. For me, this is a bit of a breakthrough. If you havent gone down the rabbit hole on the New World Order / Illuminati and UFO/ET stuff, you wont get this- dont waste your time. And please dont bother to waste energy telling me Im nuts. I realize how I appear to you. And thats OK! :) But if you have become sufficiently informed, here is the revelation that has come to me recently- which is very inspiring! What we are dealing with on a global scale for our species is as simple as the lifeboat dilemma! For a long time, I saw the motivations of the powers-that-were as absolutely evil and sinister. I believed it was pure narcissism and greed and absolute quest for power that drove them. Now I see a bigger picture. And WHILE I DO NOT AGREE WITH THEIR CURRENT APPROACH, at least I can now empathize with the difficult position they are in as the masters of the lifeboats. The bottom line: Our entire civilization and planet is under potential threat by certain races of ET. Unless we have real means of survival on planet (underground), or a means to get off the planet, our entire species could be lost. Now consider that you have the specific knowledge of our interactions with the ETs, and the potential threats and demands that have been put on us. You would realize that you need a working economy and industrial/technological system in order to create underground bases and spaceships, and to advance our technology as quickly as possible to be able to level the playing field. Without that, NOBODY can be saved. You would also have to consider the reality that if you just tell everyone the truth, they are likely to discontinue participating in the status-quo and that they would freak out and look out for their own self-interests. The whole economy would collapse and technological innovation would crumble. There are serious, hard questions to ask about the lifeboat dilemma. I certainly tend towards creating an environment where everyone can achieve the selflessness required to truly set themselves aside, and select the most gifted, empathetic, and healthy people to go on and represent our species off planet. But how do we create that in short notice and under threat on a planet of people trained to live in fear? But maybe the only reason we are under threat by ETs is BECAUSE we live in fear. Maybe they see us as advancing too rapidly without the responsibility necessary to have access to certain high technology, and that if we just STOP all this, they will allow us the freedom to just exist on our planet, as they mostly have all along. But again, unless we are given all the data about our interactions with them, how can you or I give informed input as to what is the best decision? And if they DO share the data openly, who knows what kind of chaos will ensue. I am for chaos, share the data and bring it on! But I understand their dilemma. No matter what, I stand for openness and honesty and trust and Love and equal opportunity. I will NOT become a slave in their machine no matter what it ultimately means for the survival of my DNA, or the human race. If we cannot proceed with Love and compassion, and seek the greatest equal opportunity for all, then maybe we SHOULD go extinct. But at least I understand the dilemma of the powers-that-were. They are not as downright EVIL as I once thought. And that makes me happy to know. WAKE UP! GET INFORMED! STOP LIVING IN FEAR! https://youtube/watch?v=852cec3q3q4
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 18:23:40 +0000

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