OK, people. So we had a pretty productive meeting today! We - TopicsExpress


OK, people. So we had a pretty productive meeting today! We talked about a lot, though of course most of the time things switched back to budget and funding. Right now, we need to work on as many angles as possible. Right now we have a number - film work (and its subset; shooting on film, doing VHS, maximizing the DSLR), the female angle, the horror/thriller angle, the cinema history/homage angle. Theres also the local angle, and possibly social commentary, psychology, and philosophy angles. Potentially even sci-fi/spec fic for the whole multiple realities angle. Theres also playing up aspects of us as filmmakers - being a female DP, or an Asian-American with a significant role… that junk. I have my own things I can whip out too, trust me. Those might be important ways to market. Right now, I think its important for everyone to provide some ideas for resources - whether their own (connections), or, more likely, ideas for different routs to tackle and sites/blogs to contact. Theres so much more we still havent tapped into. For my own connections, I have: Northwest Film Forum and faculty Film School Rejects, TheFilmStage, tons of other film criticism sites (critics in MD, WA, CA, NY, OH, CO, AZ, so on). Theres also local ones - Houser, the like. And… well, with a little push, I think I could get Kris and Lindy to tweet out/share our campaign. But yes. More ideas, more routes…. Per the other stuff: Locations. Jasons got one in mind, but its still good to have more options. What we need: A house with interior/exterior access right near water, that at least has enough area to itself to feel isolated. Theres lots of places on the San Juans, though that presents its own unique challenges. Theres parks, like Discovery, which are an option. But well have to look into that. Its important we get to work on finding one. For the actual campaign page… We need this ready soon (well, most likely - Ill elaborate at the end of the email on one big thing I meant to bring up). So, I need to assemble a small crew to help with these (it doesnt necessarily have to be people in their own current positions, or even any of the higher ups). Well need to get them off the ground soon. The most important being the interview video. The people who would need to be in that: Molly (duh) Me Chris Matthew Kirsten That doesnt mean theyd be the only ones - people like Jason, Damien, Javier, Jordan, so on, would be worthwhile presences during interview. But crew is important too - mainly sound, a bit of lighting, and camera operator. We need to be working on scheduling a day (I can make another doodle for it) to shoot this. Just one day, because its important it happens relatively soon (within the next 20 days). Of course, to shoot that, well need a script. Chris and I will work on that. But seriously, any suggestions are welcome as to what should be added! The one angle that I meant to add was emphasizing that for ambitious young filmmakers, this is a difficult place to make films - we dont live in a country that supports filmmaking the way foreign countries do, so getting money like this is one of our only routes. That idea is something we can throw into our actual campaign page description. Which is the other thing we should be working on. That should be more of a collaborative effort between myself, Chris, Jason, and Matthew. But Chris is going to write up the first draft. Like I said, we should have a prototypal version soon. Oh yeah. Poster??? We should make something, even just a teaser one. Ive got a few ideas, but id like the hear more. Last bits: Next meeting. This doesnt have to be as big - Id personally like more of a tech (camera and lighting) meeting. Actors meeting will be separate, and obviously pretty small (only 5 people). Finally, theres one thing Id like to bring up: communication. I meant to outline this today, but Ill do it now to close. Poor communication kills, so have the skills (yo). I mean this. I know everyones busy, and everybody will get some passes, but from now on…. that is, as we build this, I need communication. If I text you, chat you up on Facebook, email, or even the dreaded phone call, assume it is about this. If its bullshit (which it might very well be if its on FB or texting), you dont have to reply. But if its not, please do. Chances are all even begin what Im going to say with Equivelance: …. Im saying all that now because I dont want to say it all later when I wont be nearly as forgiving about it. (This was also sent through email) -A
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 06:13:17 +0000

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