OK, so I am seeing a lot of stuff here on Facebook about Bosses - TopicsExpress


OK, so I am seeing a lot of stuff here on Facebook about Bosses shouldnt be able to impose their religious beliefs on their employees. *Heaves a big heavy sigh* Aight, look folks, and listen up to what i have to say because apparently some of the comments I have made have been misconstrued or not fully understood. Which is more discriminatory? A business owner founding a business and rules within that business based on his or her faith and values derived from that faith, or an employee who is aware of the business origins, disagreeing with the business policies and CHOOSING to work there even when disagreeing with the policy and then openly and blatantly throwing that the business faith values based policies and/or insurance choices back in their face stating that the business policies violate their, the employee, own religion/faith beliefs? No one FORCES a person to work for an organization. No one is drafted or Press Ganged or Shanghai-ed into service at an organization. SITUATIONS or CIRCUMSTANCES may force or more appropriately NARROW a persons choice in place of employment, but no one forces you to work there. No one. You are not a slave, you are not a draftee. YOU. HAVE. A. CHOICE. It is not descrimination. If you like the money and like the work environment in general and believe in the product, then work here as long as you like, but there are rules in place within the organization and if you want to continue, youll need to adhere to them. Thats how life is. That is how things work. Its not discrimination. Religious discrimination would be the leadership of the business requiring you to pray 12 times a day you Shub Niggurath, Yog Sohoth or the Great Cthulhu when youre an actively practicing Jehovas Witness, or saying that all of the Non Lovecraft-ian Elder God worshipping people are required to wear this sign around their neck saying Im a douche for not believing in the Deep Ones while on their shift... oh yeah and by the way, all you schmucks are on the graveyard shift and you dont get your holidays off... NOT Sorry dude, this particular treatment violates the faith based principles and morals that this company was founded on. To offer and support such activities as owner of this business would violate the teachings of MY faith on which this company was built. Find another label for your rantings and displeasure in teh healthcare decisions instead of religious discrimination. The way I see it, the parties saying Religious Discrimination!! are just as guilty of it as the people they are crying out against. Remember, there is always a choice. Always. The choices laid out before you are there because of choices you have made prior to that. If you have lived your life in such a manner that narrows your choices for employment, that is your doing, not the business that you are looking at working at because they offer health insurance.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 14:13:08 +0000

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