OK, so. I am worried people. I feel like we are getting into - TopicsExpress


OK, so. I am worried people. I feel like we are getting into dangerous territory. As if you needed to hear that again from someone else. This seems to be a “Boy who cried wolf” kind of thing. Follow me here. We are bombarded daily by whatever news Muppet is on the TV. I call them Muppets because they look like Muppets, and they literally have someone’s hand up their butt; telling them what to say. Pick your news (not really) source and it’s the same sound bites from opposite viewpoints, delivered with some finger pointing and a fair amount of whining. So, why say “the boy who cried wolf”? Because, we are being lulled to sleep with this daily onslaught to the point that one day, we hear something really worthy of paying attention to, and we ignore it. We will simply say more of the same, and turn on some stupid cooking show because our stomachs are far more powerful than our desires to give a damn about our country and whatever political dick dance is happening at the moment. I wish I had a solution for you. But, other than firing the entire legislative branch (not a bad idea) I don’t see a fix. If someone has more than 2 terms, they need to leave. If you have no significant accomplishments in two terms, in either Congress or Senate, then you need another line of work. Don’t even get me started on the fact that politics should not be a line of work. Our country was founded by amateurs. I respectfully submit that we need more amateurs. These over lobbied, paid, professional voters are incapable of knowing, or caring about the average person. So what should we do? Turn it all off! Read a book (preferably common sense) Thomas Paine was brilliant and understood what all of this meant. Or you could start by learning the Constitution. If you value your life as an American, you better educate yourself before you wake up and it is not anymore.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 06:11:18 +0000

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