OK so I talked with 2 people 2day one in San Diego. Who is being - TopicsExpress


OK so I talked with 2 people 2day one in San Diego. Who is being helped by the Bonita Wellness center. (Lance your a saint Brother) !!! anyway this individual was supposed to be dead by christmas. He told me today (day after Christmas that he feels the best he has in weeks…Then 5 minutes later I spoke to someone in Florida whos husband was supposed to die last week, over 8 days ago. She told me that they are actually starting to lower his morphine and that their Dr. is astonished as to what is happening…Im sitting here in little old Sequim Wa. and Im thinking wow apparently every but me is blown away…Honestly what do you expect when both these two individuals drank Highly Alkalized Kangen Water then flooded there bodies with super foods from Purium thus delivering the super foods at 100 x the normal cellular absorption rate due to the micro clustered water…This then allows the body to start to reach a state of homeostasis…which allows our bodies to do what they are designed to do…heal itself. When I reversed my colon cancer almost 12 years ago, I told everyone that its the greens that heal…Later I had an epiphany when I started studying (RNA Plant species and DNA Human species) and I realized that the chlorophyll from plant was one molecule off from hemoglobin (our blood). Chlorophyll has magnesium at the center of it and our blood has Iron at the center of it. It was then realized that the Greens help to boost our blood to very high health thus effecting our immune system…Its our bodies that heal ourselves…nothing else heals us not medicines, not Greens, not vegan, not Raw, Not Highly Alkalized water, these things simply put our bodies into a setting to be healthy enough to heal itself. Otto Warburg discovered that very time someone has cancer their blood is always acidic, He went on to discover that cancer cannot live in an alkalized (oxygenated) environmet. He received two Nobel Prizes for this in the 1930s and its my understanding that no one has ever been able to disprove this fact…yet here we are at the end of 2014 and I get all these people contacting me, many of them asking me if Im going to sell them something or how much is it going to cost them to lose weight, get there diabetes under control, fight their cancer, Parkinsons, Alzheimers ECT… Honestly does it matter ??? David Avocado Wolfe was so right when he said (something to the effect)...that we as a culture have everything backwards…we need to learn how to put our health first then we will be able to buy that car, or house as we will be fit and be able to work better healthier and live longer to enjoy our successes. Every day I get hate PMs from people asking me how can I live with myself as Im lying to people and worse giving them false hope…I personally know of 17 people who have reversed cancer the EXACT SAME WAY…(Oh Yah its just a coincidence)…NOT… Lastly I honestly must have told over 500 people to talk with Thomas C. Chavez, Tom Tessereau, Peter Ragnar Tresa Yung, Matt Monarch, Angela Stokes-Monarch, Mary Jo Matey, Mary Carter and ump tine others…few follow up if they dont hear what they wanna hear… Note: heres a few people who are amazing !!!! Keepin it Real/Keepin it from the heart...Livin Life/Lovin Life The Raw Food Trucker
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 21:45:26 +0000

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