OK so I was honestly not sure if I was going to post anything - TopicsExpress


OK so I was honestly not sure if I was going to post anything after seeing American Sniper. I get depressed every time I see a posting by another Hollywood personality on either side weighing in. I was concerned about adding to the noise. When did we as a country start giving a shit what these people think? When did the societal conversation begin to revolve around the contributions from the likes of Michael Moore and Seth Rogan and on the other side folks like Dean Kane et al? When did we start giving the opinion of people who pretend to be something they aren’t for a living any credibility? It is both infuriating and depressing. People grabbing the comments in 120 characters or less from these ass hats and treating them as some rally cry for one side of the argument or the other…using those to justify their position in the on-going “us vs. them” that this nation has become. It’s a sad commentary on the future of this country, friends. These discussions are heartbreaking. I am truly concerned that the division that this nation is under is the precursor to the end of our nation as we know it. All Empires must fall.. and the erosion starts from whithin. Through division, lack of respect, me before we.. I can only shake my head as I look on my two boys and the world that I am giving them. A nation divided. It’s a nation where it isn’t “politically correct” anymore to show pride in being American. You have to explain what you mean by that to insure that you aren’t offending someone else. The needs of the few—outweighing the needs of the many. I saw American Sniper. I experienced it. I went in with the “bias” of being a moderate conservative. I read the book prior to seeing the movie as well. And with that view I didn’t see a political piece…I didn’t see a film that set out to glorify what the brave men and women who serve went through and are going through now in all parts of the world. I didn’t see a film that tried to justify the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I didn’t see a film that tried to denigrate an entire people as some kind of evil. I saw the struggles of one very brave man. I saw a man who had a calling to protect those in his flock. I saw the price that he paid to do so. The toll that it took on his body and soul and in the lives of those around him. I saw the struggle that he faced in denying that responsibility when his soul, mind, and body had had enough. It was the story of one man’s journey. That’s it. It is shameful to try to make this more than it is. It is the story of one man. One perspective. To grab ahold of it an try to make it more than that—to argue about it is a dishonor to his sacrifice and to those of all of the men and women who have given and continue to give their all to protect their flock. I encourage anyone who hasn’t seen it to go and watch—try to keep an open mind when you do…shed your bias. I can tell you that the theater was silent was the final credits rolled. No conversation. People just quietly, respectfully, making their way out of the theater. It’s the least we coud do after seeing the story of a man who did so much.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 19:53:52 +0000

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