OK, so heres the scoop....Ive been encouraged on numerous - TopicsExpress


OK, so heres the scoop....Ive been encouraged on numerous occasions to write a blog. Oh gee, I cant imagine why. Yes, I love to write and Im relatively decent at it, thanks to a mother who had her M.S. is English Literature. Who knew that all of those times my mom slaughtered my final draft with corrections, thus leaving it a bleeding mess of red ink, would actually produce in me a modicum of writing talent? Oh the memories, Mom!! That was my final draft!! Id whine in exasperation. (Listen kiddies, that was before the era of word processing programs when ALL of our theme papers were hand written AND hand rewritten!) She would hand back the hemorrhaging manuscript and respond, Not anymore. *sigh* such wonderful memories. There is only one good reason Ive not created a blog. (Well, maybe two if you think of me as a technologically challenged old person.) What in the world would I write about? Seriously, my brain is a constant mishmash of ideas and the thought of narrowing down my passions to a theme for a blog is just daunting. I mean really, Id have to have a dozen blogs to sort all of my interests into some kind of respectable semblance of order. There are mommy bloggers. Ya, I could do that as a retired mommy of grown children. Or maybe a frustrated wanna-be grandmother reminiscing over the good times of raising four children. Hey, I lived to tell about it and might just have some valuable insight. There are craft bloggers. Crafts?!? Oh, yes please!! I could blog about quilting! Or card making! or.. or.. or... Well, take a look into my craft room and youll see tons of inspiration. There are gardening bloggers. Geesh... endless sources of inspiration there. Dirt gardening, Tower Gardening, Flower gardens, herb gardens, container gardens, color bowls to accent your patio with a touch of beauty. What do you want to know about? I could do that. And just so I dont have to create a separate blog about my arboriculture/horticulture knowledge, I could toss in pithy tails of tree diseases and proper care of our tall leafy friends. There are political bloggers. Oh ya, dont even get me started. I just lost one half of my prospective readers right there. Christian bloggers? Dang! Ive got volumes of unwritten ideas about being in the trenches of living life in this mortal body. Im but a frail and messed up mortal in love with a perfect Creator who loves me back. Go figure. There are health and fitness bloggers. Now Im no expert, but Im an enthusiastic hobbyist and have learned a thing or two that I dont mind sharing. Are you beginning to see my quandary here? What in the world would I write about?!?! And who in the world would want to read what Id write? My musing would take you on a Mr. Toads Wild Ride of eclectic interests and muddled thoughts seeking some semblance of organization. You want to know a bit about the tangents my ADD driven brain goes off on on a daily basis? Any blog I write just might take you there. So, dear readers... well you precious souls who didnt give up and go get another cup of coffee... should I go there? Huh? Should I? (cue crickets chirping) And what would I call the silly thing? If, I blog, Ive decided that there is no freaking way Im going to narrow down to a single passion, interest or theme. My brain doesnt work that way. And multiple blogs? Puhleeeze... Id only be overwhelmed and more confused than I already am. Nope, if I blog, it will be just as big of muddled mishmash of topics as there are swimming around in this distracted brain of mine. Which leads me to a title...what in the world would I call it? A Mishmash of Musings? Mishmash Musings of a Muddled Mind? Adventures of a Distractible Mind? Diversions of a Distractible Mind? LOOK!! A Chicken!! My World and Welcome to... LOOK! A Chicken! Oh... the possibilities! Feedback? Why yes, tell me what you think.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 16:16:37 +0000

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