OK so this old war horse has been letting his mind run again, just - TopicsExpress


OK so this old war horse has been letting his mind run again, just some thoughts for my brothers and sister! Many of my brothers and sister have taken the oath to defend this great land, even if we are no longer active duty we hold the oath strong in our hearts. It does not matter the colour of our skin or what political group we support, what this country means to us is what is important. I think back several years, standing on the mess decks of the USS Stout, watching sailors with flash cards speaking about heritage, then a brave young man (Malcolm Suggs) a great sailor stood up, no flash card in hand, he had committed what he needed to say to memory. He used words from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, you could feel the passion in his voice, the pride he had as he spoke, not as a young black man, but as an American. Which leads me into wanting you all to take a little time and reflect on these words: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” (Dr. King). We are a proud lot, doing things that others might never see nor know about, and we do it for the love of our country. Take a little time and think about the people that have shaped your world, the ones that really mattered. In these people we learn the rules of conduct, and the path that they follow become our guide to the world. Our country will always be in some form of warfare that sadly is human nature. At times our enemy comes from distant lands and other times come from within. A struggle to test if our nation will endure, when the evil force is from outside we find it easy to focus on; we find it easy to put aside or differences and give someone the business. But when it is domestic political or economic forces that are trying to destroy us we do not see it. It is not the fault of large companies as they have a responsibility to earn profit for share holders, (business 101), and both parties that run the country are to blame for its current state. Take a minute to let that sink in, do you agree with what the elected official you voted for is doing, does this official have share your views on where you want this country to go. So if you are a free thinking person, ask yourself is the official you voted for building or destroying our nation? If they are meeting what you want from them, then keep them in office, if they are not then vote in someone like yourself. Do not be fooled by the ones that promise you the world without any pain, we all know there is pain in just about everything we do. Do not be fooled by ones that claim to be patriots if they do not follow the Constitution. Have you sadly been one of the people duped by one of them? If you have; did you learned anything from it? Has our system been corrupted? Can elected officials decide what is legal and illegal? When it isn’t legal they change the law to fit their needs. Is the plan to create division within our country? Do they want the country in a state of anarchy and crisis? And if so you know they will be the only ones that profit from it, regardless of the outcome. So what can you do not only for yourself but for the ones you hold dear? First and foremost do you see that you are engaged in fighting for your lives and your values? Secondly remember that the enemy camp does not want you to see what is happening. They want you to accept the distortions and lies that you are being told. This is simple to see when you look at the phenomenon of frogs in a pot of water. If you throw a frog in a pot of boiling water they jump right out. But when you place them in a pot of room temperature water and slowly increase the heat they will sit there and not try to escape, the gradual change in temperature never seems alarming to them and the slowly boil to death. When Marcus Cicero addressed Caesar he spoke these words: "A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist." This nation is split into two opposing forces, the first is the group I call the delusional and ignorant while the other is truth and justice. The truth and justice crowd are the ones trying to understand what is happening around them, seeking peace and freedom for all people. Sadly they do not always win at this, image if the NAZI’s would have won the war! But our forefathers stood up to them, made the world right once again. These were people taken from all walks of life, all skin colours, all religions that fought a common enemy, for our Nation. They saw an injustice and knew it must be righted; they fought for a “World of Truth!” My Daddy use to tell me; “The Keenest eye is the one that sees inward!” When we reflect on things and are willing to increase our knowledge of what is happening around us and around this nation do you like what you see? Many people around you feel the same way, but have no idea how to regain control of their lives, and defeat the forces of destruction affecting our nation. Then you have the ones in the other camp, they blindly follow what they are told by social, religious, and political leaders. They have no interest in finding out what is happening around them, they are secure with whatever leader they listen to tells them. These my friends are the ones that live in the “World of Delusion!” The leaders of the ignorant and delusional are happy with their subjects, lambs following along, never asking why, and always taking orders from the leader. These sheep ignore, lie, and cover up the truth when presented with facts. A major feeder for this group is the news programs with an agenda that they want to see. So the two opposing forces collide, a form of combat not always with rifles and bullets but at times with nothing more than the human spirit. In combat there are several different arts of fighting, different kinds of victories. Now one side controls the war fighting machine, fighting against them in armed revolt is idiotic. In order to make changes we must win the minds of free thinking citizens. How many of the people do we know that have been captured and had their minds destroyed to follow blindly? They are the mindless force that is employed against us. You my brothers and sisters must use strategy against these forces, Dr. King made each and every person that marched with him sign a form stating they would not use violence, Ghandi would tell his followers the same thing. They stood strong against aggression and oppression, and won the day. Image if Dr. King did not stand, would I have ever heard young Malcolm Suggs speak his words? So you must be strong and always effective in your actions. So you are tasked to make evident facts to those that follow blindly. To help them see how the ones they follow have nothing but deception and destruction in their heart for our Nation. Do not be afraid to confront them with facts, do not be harmed by their words if they refer to you as against a race or religion. In truth there is nothing to hide. Let them know how they have been brainwashed, to follow and not give a shit about anything around them except what they are told to care about. Both sides of the agreement have those that do not see what is happening around them. Dr. King understood that words and ideas were his most powerful weapon. You didn’t see him jumping up and down with hate speech like is so rampant these days, but a message that free thinking people could understand and change. Mitt Romney’s father and countless other Americans of all races and colours marched beside Dr. King for they saw an injustice. They were able to lead boycotts and demonstrations all peacefully and make changes at the election booths. In Hebrew teaching we learn that words have power, that each letter is powerful if used the right way. We must master the ability to use words and ideas effectively. Hold the line against those that follow blindly, do not let them use the phrases they like to employ, remember a lie is a lie, not some overemphasis of facts. By no means is it unpatriotic or extreme to hold someone to the fire, if you don’t let your children get away with lying to you then you should not let an elected official you appointed do it either. You have the power to make changes not only in your personal life but in the life of those around you. Our country has been slipping for almost 100 years; both parties have done things that are not morally right. You are engaged in a war so to speak not with bullets and bombs but with ideas and strength of resolve. Each and every one of us brings something special to the mission, to help out against the struggle. Do what you can and remember the success or failure of your efforts is up to a higher power. Call your Deity what you like as it makes no difference to me. It is foolish to say, “I will not struggle against an injustice because no one will listen to me, and I would make no difference.” You have a duty to do what you can with what you are given and forego egoistic attachment to any results that might bring you praise. It is your duty to help your fellow Americans become aware of the timeless values of truth, justice, goodness, honesty, and the beauty and the principles of equality under law, fairness, kindness, and selflessness. Be strong and do not fall into an enemy trap, do not let them define reality, you chose the time and place of battle, do not be pulled in by counterfeit values such as success is wealth (many people I know that do not have a pot to piss in, are the proudest people you will ever meet). The power of coercion with the ability to impose one’s power over others, the belief that whoever is in control is the most powerful and important, and remain aware of what is happening around you.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 15:53:45 +0000

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