OK so yeah , I deactivated my Facebook. I mean lets be honest, I - TopicsExpress


OK so yeah , I deactivated my Facebook. I mean lets be honest, I believe its a great way to keep up with far away friends and family, a great place to share photos, daily occurrences, accomplishments, things that matter, music, whatevers on your mind, however its also a toxic cesspool where good ideas die wishing they were just giving some time , a time sucker , relationship strainer, propaganda wasteland, a place where your friends are your friends because a list says so , well thats generic.. For me however, my point was about control, either you got it or you dont, if I flip a light switch Im not in control of whether or not whats supposed to happen happens, .. Your faucet open that sucker up , you expect water right , what if someone else had another idea , no control .. Alright most of the time I have zero control over most things , and Im ok with that , or at least it doesnt stress me out like a lot of people , it actually works for me . As far as Facebook, its not so much the time spent staring at it , I still think replying with a sarcastic comment is as easy as texting , its the time spent just looking, login on and off , seeing whats up , who cares itll be there later , twice a day even ? What a weakling... Control dammit , Ill control me thank you.. So I deactivated, proud moment , feeling strong, empowered even.. All falls in line with what Im trying to do , I started working out , I friggin hate that . Ive never really made it passed day one , cuz , well , it hurts , but this feels different, Im determined, Im in control , I dropped 10 lbs in the first week, even though fat old and undesirable sounds way easier , Ill press on . Omg not the point .. So there I am , gotta get my tunes on and my Spotify says I gotta log in , thats no good I said , password? Kidding right ? Im bad at those , so , I start guessin, eventually break the code and Im in , I look around , I settle in Im jamming ... I hear a noise ... Email notification tone .. No biggy , itll be there. Have you noticed how slow email is, it used to be like amazing, cutting edge , whoa you email , youre cool, it was mind boggling, now , not so much . fastest way to reach people , text, instant messaging of some sort , tag someone , you gotta look then , call them, smoke signal , dinner bell, pull their hair , two fingers eye to eye back and forth thingy, banner behind a plane , a jumbo tron , and lastly an email.. So I ignored it .. Till now ish, it said my Facebook was reactivated because I signed on to Spotify.. Wth.. Things are bad enough with music , I dont want to live in a place without it .. Short story is apparently Im controlled by fb... I may have lost this battle but Ill get up and fight another day ,..
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 23:12:34 +0000

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