OK... so yesterday there were two people questioning the funds - TopicsExpress


OK... so yesterday there were two people questioning the funds raised to bring Crash to Canada. The only person who made a contribution ($20) was given a refund although she didnt ask for it. The other person kept insisting that she was with Crash at the beginning and saw him in a crate. She went on to say that she didnt think Crash would survive.... She continued to question our motives in bringing Crash to Canada, saying that she was just concerned about Crash. Contrary to what Kathy Kowalsky said, there is NO WAY she was involved in Crashs rescue (or even saw Crash). Here is what Alice said (Alice and Paul Johnston founded Care Coco and rescued Crash): Paul picked up Crash within 30 minutes of her being hit by the car and the phone call to us. He brought her to our house and she stayed there until she went to the University for surgery. No one came to see her during this time and she was taken to the University in San Jose by Dr. Isabel who Paul met in Canas when she went to visit her parents there. She works at the University so he turned Crash over to her to take for her surgery. CARE did pay for her surgery but there were special donations made to CARE earmarked for Crash. CARE policy at the time was a maximum of $250 for any one dog so that is why we personally raised special donations. When Crash returned from the hospital she came directly to our house and the only people other than our friends who came to see her was a guy named Ed who wanted to adopt her. Two days later he adopted another dog from someone else. He would not have been allowed to adopt her anyway because the dog he had named Major was hit and killed by a car, that was the second time Major had been hit. Someone offered to fence in his property for him to adopt Crash and he said no. So, Paul and I would not have allowed him to have her. During the time she was with us I can assure you no one came to see her, not even the woman that hit her. I dont know what Kathy is talking about when she says Crash had to be kennelled separately as we had Crash in a big wire kennel under our carport and she got walked several times a day during her recuperation. Paul says she must have Crash mixed up with some other dog. So Kathy did NOT know Crash and was certainly not involved with her rescue. Ellie and I met Crash last March at Alice and Pauls while she was recuperating with them. She went directly from them to us and we brought her to Toronto.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 16:30:06 +0000

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