OK the 12th song is like a 3 act play of my life.... 11. Meus - TopicsExpress


OK the 12th song is like a 3 act play of my life.... 11. Meus Via Vita Suite (the road of my life) – Let’s Go For a Ride – a.-I can still almost remember the day I was doing my daily running (so I can still fit in my clothes), and the beginning riff of this song came to my head. So when these ‘moments-of-inspiration’ happen I have to retain it in my head and get to the guitar so I can bring it out to work on. With the wheels set in motion I thought on the lyrics and cadence and came upon the subject of my life and the chaos we put ourselves in with bad decisions based on our perceived notions that as young people we are indestructible and impervious to dangerous and insalubrious lifestyles. I really was reaching high on this song and I think it’s far from complete to the vision I have for it. It’s a good start though. b. – Minefield of My Mind – Here comes the ‘chaos’ I had mentioned before. Now that I’ve been doing these ‘high risk’ behaviors and running amok in mine and other people’s lives, arguments ensue, accusations thrown about, bridges are burned and fear paralyzes all that come into my sphere. So in my head as I ruminate in my desperate times of shaky repose, I try to find the good times from it all but it’s just a mental minefield in there until I finally step on one too many mines and ‘Ka-Boom!’- my life cracks. c. – Setting Sun – the smoke is clearing and the dark clouds overhead are dissipating and foreboding ruminations are now turning into clearer more productive actions and decisions. With my ‘howl-at-the-moon’ lifestyle being represented by the moon and incorporating the visual metaphor of a setting sun that symbolizes fading notions or actions coming to an end, despair is replaced with hope for the coming dawn, both are put to rest as they fall below the horizon on my new outlook in life. The preceding song’s idea was born during the session and I was just looking for a vehicle that would have contrast; long held out chords against a fast tempo and then the guitar takes off to symbolize the reckless thinking that happens with quick impetuous decisions. The ballad was another ‘on-the-spot’ composition with some parts being added a bit later to give the form more body. Took me a while to come up with the melody and as usual without time for reflection and maturity, I still wish I can go back and change things but I still like what I hear. Is this musical suite an over achieving attempt on this album? Maybe but I couldn’t let it rest until I tried. I really appreciate Mike Varney allowing me to stretch out and try new things. 14. Jump The Trane’ – The album ends with this high energy shuffle with its familiar standard ‘head’. Here I’m just attempting to jump about, in a very novice way, Coltrane’s phrasing and styles on the blues form. Coltrane will always be my favorite when it comes to blues playing and this is my own way of saying thank you to him and for what he left us.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 23:09:36 +0000

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