OK this happened three days ago and im totally freaked out. like i - TopicsExpress


OK this happened three days ago and im totally freaked out. like i said, 3 days ago my best friend Hannah came round my house for a 2 day sleepover. when it was nighttime me and hannah were messing around. Hannah was listening to music and I was stroking my cat, Daisy. Suddenly, Hannah said “Is your window open?” “no,” I replied “why?” “I felt a cold wind rush past me,” Hannah replied. “I didnt” i said. At first I wondered if she was just playing around to get on my nerves (shes good at that) but then suddenly Daisy jumped down from her perch on my pillow and ran under my desk that I used when I wanted to draw pictures. “i wonder whats wrong with daisy” i told Hannah. “don’t ask me,” Hannah replied. So I started reading a book. Then, Hannah jumped up. “Emily!” she screeched. “what?” i asked and looked up. Then, i saw Hannah’s face was as white as snow. “I felt it again!” she cried. “the breeze?” i asked “yes!” Hannah said. “is this a joke?” i said. “no!” Hannah replied. I suddenly felt uncomfortable and frightened at that moment. “maybe the hallway window is open?” i told Hannah. So we both creeped out of my bedroom and into the hallway. but all the windows were tightly shut. Me and Hannah looked at each other with fear. then, suddenly we heard a yowl and Daisy rushed out of my bedroom and down the stairs. Me and Hannah frantically ran into my bedroom, but nothing out of the ordinary was visible. “Lets go downstairs for a minute,” Hannah said frightfully. so we went downstairs, but as we got to the bottom i felt a cold blast of air surround me. “what was THAT?” i yelled. But Hannah didn’t answer me. When I looked at her I saw her face was the same white color it had been earlier. “Hannah? Hannah!” I yelled. Hannah started shaking. “it…it was horrible…” she stammered. “it was white, pure white, with huge black eyes…” she continued. Suddenly we both heard a loud wailing noise and we both screamed. then i felt the cold blast of air blow past us both, and we both shrieked again and ran upstairs into my bedroom. We shut the door as soon as possible but we still felt a cold blast of air as the door closed. but afterwards nothing else happened. Hehe…sorry this was long, but im truly freaked out. also, when hannah left, I’m sure I heard the same scary wailing noise just outside in the front garden…
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 10:42:07 +0000

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