OK, this is different. Terri just handed me a letter I wrote - TopicsExpress


OK, this is different. Terri just handed me a letter I wrote dated September 15, 2001.. Four days after the towers got hit. Scott Mercante you might remember. Dear love, Well we completed our first week of training, boy what a blast. I now laugh when they try and discipline these kids with pushups. Its getting fun, I hope it stays this way. It would be tough if morale really dropped. Not much happened during this week. I did a three hour roving guard that lasted from 4am - 7am, then later that night, I pulled a three hour clean up session. Which was cool :) I was in charge of the kids, had them do the work while the Sergeant over us pulled me aside and we bullshitted because I am prior service. It was cool. Its raining now, so we are just kickin it in the barracks trying to be quiet because the drill sergeant could come in and make us do push ups. Hah! :) I have also done nothing but a vegetarian diet, I think I lost about 5 pounds of fat, but gained 8 in muscle. I am beginning to look better. I should be about 180 solid pounds when I get out. :) . Hopefully you will be here for my graduation on the 8th of November. ::edited for privacy:: I am getting used to everyone now, and they are communicating with each other, no fights yet. They are talking music right now. Oh, how is my dad? I am feeling bad for not writing him. It is just I have sooooooooo little time to write, I write you. I hope he doing better. And how is our new nephew Christian Maupin ? I think it is a beautiful baby, and Christopher Maupin cant help but smile all the time. Of course he is as tired as I am I bet. LOL! I hope Curtis William Maupin is good too. How is mom and Heather Jamieson-Brown (sis)? Tell them I miss them. Well babe, I dont know what to say about these current terrorist shit, these kids are frightened about going to war. They come to me for answers because I was in during the PGWar. My job, which is in the field a lot, might get deployed, but hopefully when that time comes, you and I will be in Ft. Rucker, and me in WOFT. (Warrant Officer Flight Training) If not, I am not scared. I know that you must worry about me, but fate is fate. And of course our luck. I survived not going to the Middle East the first time, I can probably miss it this time... And you will be with me :) That is what keeps me going, knowing that you are here for me. I am nervous, I am a little to old, but I am also too reckless. Dang, repelling down 40 foot wall is a rush, you have to try it :) I actually fit in being a soldier. Terri Maupin, I miss you so much, words cant describe it... I actually started chocking up just now. I love you Terri. I miss you very much. Its harder this time because phone or computer conversations are very few and far between. I snuck in that email because it was our anniversary. Happy Anniversary love... ::sniffles:: I love you!! Casey----
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 23:15:20 +0000

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