OK, this is supposed to be a time of Peace on Earth, and Good Will - TopicsExpress


OK, this is supposed to be a time of Peace on Earth, and Good Will to all Mankind. Really it should be that way all the time. For the life of me, I cannot understand why intelligent human being cannot see that they are being manipulated. All this shit going on in the news is a conscious effort to keep us divided. Listen up, WE CANNOT SOLVE RATIONAL ISSUES WITH IRRATIONAL BEHAVIOR! Rational means acts based on facts or reason and not on emotions or feelings. Let’s start with the problem of RACISM from a rational point of view. First, we all know that it exist in this country, and have existed for hundreds of years. Whites must accept this fact, and stop this state of denial they are in. Even if they sympathize with them they dont know what it likes to walk in a black mans shoes in this country. They will never understand what its like to be discriminated against just because of the color of their skin. Now let’s look at it from the other rational point of view. Blacks dont know what its like to walk in a white mans shoes. Constantly being reminded of something they had nothing to do with (Slavery) and constantly being blamed for conditions that we mostly create for ourselves. Dont you think they are tired of being victimized, robbed, brutally beaten, and murdered by blacks? They dont understand why we tolerate black on black crime while rioting over white on black crime. OK, so now that I hope Ive got you all attention. What if we just all sit down and talk to each other, blacks, whites, and all colors and cultures in this country. Let’s stop letting the media, and the politicians dominate and control the conversation with their IRRATIONAL approach to solving this problem which they really dont want to solve anyway. Let ask those hard questions about why you dont like me and you dont even know me. Let the whites see that there are successful blacks in this country, and hard workers, with values that are not out to victimize them and can take care of themselves. Let the blacks see that there are whites that despise this system of inequality just as much as blacks do. They are not afraid of them and are willing to assist in their advancement in society. Folks, all of this FEAR, RACISM, POLICE BRUTALITY, VIOLENCE, and MURDERING, is not a BLACK or WHITE thing. It is a problem with our society itself. This is a society that has given up their free will, and free thinking. A society being manipulated for one reason only, POWER! You are being told who to like, and who not to like. It is all based on what they are bombarded you with 24/7. All this IRRATIONAL SHIT you see on the news, the Internet, and TV is designed to make you IRRATIONAL also, and it is damn sure working. There are over 400 million people in this country. Why are we being made to believe that all hell has broken loose between the races when only a fraction of the 400 million are involved in the incidents we see. So you see our problems stem from what they are telling us. This in turn is what causes prejudice, and intolerance. Thereby leading to a system where people are acting out, not from what has affected them, but simply from what they perceived will affect them. That is STONE COLD FEAR on both sides blacks, and whites. We can solve our problems ourselves! It starts with one conversation with your neighbor, co-worker, people you meet at the grocery store, the movies, and everywhere else we intermix. We cannot rely on politicians, the government, or our so called leaders to fix anything, we know that. I know it will work, because it is the rational thing to do! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL! Scotty!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 22:43:17 +0000

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