OK time for my State of the Union speech assessment before it - TopicsExpress


OK time for my State of the Union speech assessment before it happens tonight? Will Obama address: 1. Obamacare - yes, but not the whole story. He will taught how he has provided many uninsured with insurance, kudos for that. But will not come within miles of how many lost their coverage and how many more will when the mandated extension for businesses expires later this year. 2. Benghazi - nope not a word. 3. NSA - yup, because he made some changes, yet to be proved successful and whether or not they were enough. 4. IRS - maybe, but certainly not to any meaningful depth. Nothing has been done to stop their targeting. I understand today that they are targeting Angry Bird on line players for some crazy reason. 5. Fast and Furious- wont go within mile of that one either. 6. Economy - Oh yeah he sure will. Hell talk about the 6.7% number, which doesnt include those who gave up looking for a job (people from the late twenties to mid fifties whom are of the prime working age) which moves the number to over 10%. Hell talk about the stock market advances, which does the poor and lower middle class little good. He will make the economy look rosier than it is. My purchasing power has declined continually and when a fixed income is involved we are the ones who feel it the most. 7. Immigration - probably not because he has done nothing to secure our borders nor prevent uncontrolled amnesty for those already here. Some deserve an easier path to citizenship, however a lot do not and should not get any kind of amnesty and this administration has done nothing to address that. 8. Will he place blame on non accomplishments - you bet he will. He will claim that the republicans refuse to negotiate when he, Reed and Pelozi have said repeatedly, we will not negotiate. 9. Will he take responsibility for anything. Maaaaaaabe, but only if it is good. 10. Will he lay out a plan for the future on how to address the above - nope, but maybe this address isnt really the place for that. At least that will be his position. 11. Will he lie - covertly, yes. I have no doubt and he will do it in two ways. Lies by omission (partial truths) and misrepresentation of facts. 12. Will he address al Qaida and whether they are weaker or stronger and on the run - no way. 13. Will he address terrorism? Possibly but only in a way that deviates from the real truth ( he will not say they are a big or even bigger threat than eve before. Hell probably acknowledge them to support the NSA monitoring tactics. There are more issues but my fingers are getting sore and my psyche is getting bruised so Ill quit. Keep score my friends, relatives, family and, because this is a public post, anyone who is concerned about this country and its leadership. Lets see how right I am? This isnt arm chair quarterbacking like most politicians and lame stream media use to play up to their agenda, because this is prediction. Lets see if Obama has the you know whats to prove me wrong. Ill be watching, will you. Ill watch his speech on CNN and their assessment, which I know will be a very left leaning spin. Then Ill switch to FOX News to get their very right leaning spin. Of course I will have my own to throw into the mix and will be back tomorrow. Enjoy your day.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:30:57 +0000

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