OK, time to piss off some people. I see OVER AND OVER AND OVER - TopicsExpress


OK, time to piss off some people. I see OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER, how much race has to do with an issue every time a white policeman kills a black person. While there are some that actually wait until the facts are out, for many, it is AUTOMATIC. Michael Brown, was all about race. It didnt and to many STILL doesnt matter that the evidence shows that he not assaulted to police officer, but tried to take his gun. He was the AGGRESSOR. Eric Garner, in my opinion, was MURDERED by NYPD. But, what most media failed to report, is the fact that the police officer in charge on the scene, was a black female. SHE could have ordered the man released at ANY TIME, but DIDNT. And even after many found out that it was indeed NOT racially motivated; they CONTINUE to claim that it was. Equality and justice for EVERYONE, is something that I have always believed in, and always will. But, it id becoming more and more apparent to me, that for some people that is only the case, if it is for their skin color, their religion, or their social class. wnd/2013/08/police-black-teens-kill-white-man-for-fun/ In Mableton, Georgia late last month, four black people allegedly beat Joshua Chellew, then pushed him into the street to be hit by a car. The four have been charged with murder. Because Chellew, a white man, was with a black woman, some insist this was part of a pattern violence and resentment against inter-racial dating. In Columbia, South Carolina earlier this month, three black people were arrested for the alleged killing of Kelly Lynn Hunnewell, a single mother of four. Hunnewell was working in a wholesale bakery when two of the hoodie-wearing teens entered and shot her as the third kept watch outside. There was no money on the premises. Police Announce Arrests in Killing of Mother | wltx Columbia has been the scene of several cases of hyper-violenct black-mob on white assaults. Often mentioned is the case of Curtis Strange, who sustained brain damage after encountering a mob of black people who had been stalking white people that night to assault them. They left Strange with his face beaten unrecognizable. Five of the perpetrators were tried as juveniles and placed on probation until their 18th birthday. The oldest was sentenced to 15 years. In Knoxville, Tennessee, this case is an open wound: The 2007 carjacking, torture, rape and murder of Christopher Newsom and his girlfriend Channon Christian. The local media hesitates with good reason to publish some of the details of the case. With good reason: They are just about as horrific as even the most grizzled investigators have ever come across. Seven years and six trials after the slaughter, the last case concluded in May with the conviction of all five black people involved. Even so, locals want to know why the national media ignore it. n Cincinnati, six “bored” black teenagers beat and almost killed Pat Mahaney last summer. They did it for “fun.” Two have pled guilty. One was sentenced to community service and probation until he was 21 years old. Another received a similar sentence after he promised the judge he would “focus on school” and “avoid negative influences.” The judge also required him to do a 10 page book report on Ben Carson’s Healing Hands. Another teen, while home under house arrest, was arrested again for assault after he accused of beating a boy and stealing his iPhone. Teen convicted in ‘bored’ beating case arrested again | Hamilton County – WLWT Home From WND last year: “They were pretty arrogant in the interview with us,” said North College Hill Police Chief Gary Foust. “This appears to be premeditated and there was no remorse on behalf of the assailants.” Blacks pummel white guy for ‘fun of it’ In New London, Connectictut last year, six black men were sentenced after being found guilty in connection with the beating and stabbing death of Matthew Chew. They said they were bored as well. But several received light sentences after they promised the judge they would be good in the future. Not coming to a TV news near you. ALL unjustified homicide is wrong. Racism is wrong. But, to pretend that it is the sole possession of a single race or group is no less wrong. I challenge EVERYONE: IF YOURE GOING TO POST, AT LEAST HAVE THE BALLS TO POST FROM BOTH SIDES OF THE AISLE. TO DO ANYTHING ELSE IS NOT ONLY COWARDLY; IT IS JUST AS RACIST AS THE SCUM WHO MURDERS, ASSAULTS, OR RAPES, BASED ON SKIN COLOR.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 06:15:36 +0000

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