OK, you may have noticed Ive been skipping my Monday - TopicsExpress


OK, you may have noticed Ive been skipping my Monday affirmations/gratitude gauge... Well, today Im going to be THAT WOMAN... you know, the one who prattles on about her supremely gifted offspring. (Change channels now if youve had your fill of that dreadful breed.) Yep, cause today Im extremely grateful to have two healthy children, whose efforts in the classroom, on stage, the sporting field and in Bryns case, in the pool, are generally pretty well rewarded with results. Barring maths and accounts - three guesses who he takes after - this thoughtful-of-the-underdog, relatively conscientious, dancin boys hours spent in the loo studying (yes, seriously!) have resulted in some reasonably decent marks this term. And in spite of an exceedingly busy schedule the whole year, he seems to have passed everything adequately, so massive sighs of relief all round. He even netted a 61% for Physics, which was a most pleasant surprise, as I was expecting a 45 tops! I know... he can certainly improve on this, but how many boys can say they have represented the schools A teams for swimming and waterpolo, as well as the A and B side for rugby and even performed in the school musical and have done as well academically? Its hugely gratifying to know your child is confident in his abilities, has come into his own socially and also derives a sense of accomplishment from taking on a wide variety of pursuits, as it seems there are more than a handful of boys in who simply lack the tools or are not as motivated to succeed. Indeed, one of those boys lives under this very roof! He may have the geniaaas to be A class material, periodically surprising himself by nosing into that heady stratosphere, but Kian is content with just giving the books a passing, very cursory glance and breezing through life on his God-given abilities and charm. Mr Personality and I do come to blows more often than not, but I have to acknowledge that he is eminently capable of achieving great things if he just knuckles down and puts his mind to it. Kian is headed for high school next year, so lets hope hes garnered enough marks to land himself in a class with a crew that will push him to achieve the excellence of which hes so capable. Seriously, the time has surely arrived to pursue with gaffers implements if necessary, and carpe that unwieldy diem! Am holding thumbs that the results he achieves will put on as successful a path at Boys High as his brother has managed to maintain this year. In spite of all this inconsequential blabber about reaching for the stars and being on top of the proverbial pile, I am reminded this past week - by a boy on the radio dealing bravely with cancer, a girl from school whose daily sacrifices and love for her child make my puny efforts for my children seem entirely inconsequential, as well as the unexpected deaths of two young boys, who both had everything going for them - that life is way too short and that no matter their talents or shortcomings, we are beyond blessed to have the children that we do. The lives we lead may not always be plain sailing, but we have each other to cling to in the worst storms. So thats it from Captain J. Go forth all. Have a day of good swells and may the tradewinds be in your sails - heres wishing you only the most bountiful of journeys as you set sail on the sea of life again this morning. Tally ho! Anchors aweigh! Right, Im over the maritime metaphors. Have a lekker day folks :-P
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:59:41 +0000

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