OKAY, Here Goes -- :( [Im obviously going to lose a lot of friends - TopicsExpress


OKAY, Here Goes -- :( [Im obviously going to lose a lot of friends on this one]: Normally peaceful Dave takes a decidedly war-like attitude in the Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl swirling controversy and says (drum roll), We should have left him over there in Afghanistan. One does not VOLUNTEER to put on the colors of the U.S. Army and then LATER decide he wishes to summarily shuck them off like an ear of corn. Back in the days of the Draft, I deeply respected anyone who seized upon his right to sincerely declare conscientious objector status; but, this is another matter entirely: As I said, you dont VOLUNTEER to join the military and then gradually fall out of love with the notion. No, no this is not a notion -- its a nation; and its built on strength. Credible and independent information shows the good sergeant willingly walked unarmed, without authorization, into an Afghan encampment. I would not trade five Taliban for him; I would not trade one Taliban for him; I would not trade him for green eggs and ham.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 11:37:20 +0000

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