OKAY SO IAM CORRECTING TJIS IF U ALSO GOT SOME TO ADD DO Different typa personalities on Fb 1. The Facebook Famous/Felebs: these ones are mainly from the ghetto, they work extremely hard to get likes, everyone wants to be close to them buh they aint really nice people though WEINSREPLY:OKAY IS THERE ANYTHING WRONG WITH COMING FROM THA GHETTO LIKE SERIOUSLY :-( WE DONT CHIZ WHERE TO COME FROM IF OUR PARENTS R POOR DZNT MEAN IAM ALSO WILL BE AND ABOUT THA LIKES DONT U THINK TS FOR FUN AND LATELY DONT ADD REQST TO THE GHETTO FAMOUS PEOPLE THEN 2. The Loyal Fans/ The Followers: these are the people that usually get ignored but they always have your back, they always like and comment ur stuff positively even when you not makin sense, when you face any criticism the loyal fans are always there to defend you WEINREPLY:WELL WELL ON THIS ONE #WHAT IS A FOLLOWER ATLST DONT HIT THA FOLLOW BUTTON N FOLLOW THA WAY THEY TRYNNA LIVE N LATER ON BE JUDGRMENTAL TO WHERE THEY COME FROM OF YOU DONT LILE WHAT SOMEONE DO MIMD UR BIZZ AND STOP BEING A FOLLOWER IN LIFE IF THAT GHETTO PERSON POSTS SOMETHING MOTIVATIONAL DAT CANT STOP ME FROM LIKIGNG :-( 3: The WannaBes: these ones are those trying extremely hard to get noticed, always post the dopest statuses from usually song lyrics tho, their pics are toooo perfect, buh unfortunately they dont really get noticed WEINQUOTES:ACTUALLY THey AINT SOMETHING AS WANNA BES IF WE NOW TOOK IT THAT WAY WELL THEN WE ALL WANNA BES COZ THA DRESSING WALKING TALKING OT ALL CAME FROM CELEBRITIES AMD WHY DO WE COPY IT COZ DATS WE R HUMANS WE CORRECT OURSELVES FROM THOSE WHO INSPIRE US AND TRYING HARD TELLS THAT PERSON IS HARD WORKING EVEN IN LIFE 4. The Thieves/ Criminals: these ones steal peoples status updates or even pics...guess they dont know what the SHARE irem means ACTUALY NOBODY ON THIS SOCIALNETWORK CREATES HIS OR HER OWN STATUS JUS COZ U SAW IT ON A HIDDEN PAGE AND U POSTED T LIKE I DO N SOME DONT KNOW IT DAT DZNT GAURANTEE US FROM BEING THIEVES THA ONLY THING I CANT STEAL FROM IR WALL IS IAM EATING WTH MITCHIE MY COUSIN COZ TS IRRELEVNT AND IF U DNT WANT T TO BE STOLEN DONT POST IT N KEEP IT IN UR HAERT N MIND 5. The Creepy: these ones never post anything on fb, they profiles dont say much about them, no prof pic or sometimes access to their profile is blocked, when you inbox them they dont reply but they always online liking every lil thing you share on fb, they usually the first to like ur updates actually WEINRRPLY:ACTUALLY NOT ALL OF US R MUCH ON FACEBOOK DD U EVEER TRY TO REACH DAT PERSON ON TWITTER OR INSTAGRAM LETS NOT JUDGE WE DONT KNOW 6. The Boring And Irritating: these update a status every minute and upload pics that are usually ugly every hour of the day but they just get a single Like only afta all tht hard work lol WEINREPLY:WILL LEAVE THIS TO GOD B7. The Sad and Heartbroken: these ones their statuses are usually like this life is so unfair....why me.... i wana die.....phuck life etc 8. That beautiful cool dope girl that never gets noticed but always says meaningful stuff 9. The Preachers: these ones always make sure they share a goodmorning verse and a goodnight verse and they usually judge peoples activities on fb in the name of God...noone gives an f bou them tho Then Finally there is YOU: Yea YOU, u know who u are WHAT I SEE IS ACTUALLY SOME PEOPLE ARE JEALOUS OFWHAT PTHER PEOPLE DO THAT THEY CANT DO WELL KEEP THIS IN MIND JEALOUS IS LOVE AND HATE AT THA SAME TIME DONT JUDGE OR DOWNGRADE LEAVE ERRTHANG TO GOD FOR HE IS THA CREATER AMEN #DROPSMIC
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 17:57:03 +0000

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