OKAY. SO. Youve been invited to this group because youre pretty - TopicsExpress


OKAY. SO. Youve been invited to this group because youre pretty much a genius, and I see that potential just bursting outta yr seams. You can participate as little or as much as youd like, mostly its yr input and insight that we crave! So if you want to attend any brainstorming sessions, lend some muscle and/or means, or just give us residents of tidepool a hug, it all goes a long way towards our final goal of killin it. The plan? Theres gonna be a house show at The Tidepool (our Ramsay house) in about a months time and we have some ideas and plans to exact, but also to drum up. Heres the deal: the bands who were originally going to play here, who were coming from Vancouver, cant make it anymore. There are prospectives on the horizon, though. But basically, I would like to arrange a fairly all day event that can appeal to a variety of characters. So heres the general layout of how things went last time and what we want to do to up the game this time(DISCLAIMER: this list will become more concise and tasks will be delegated as people step up to the plate and logistics get worked out. Please feel free to criticize or make further suggestions!): The Gallery: this is the upstairs room which is totally unfinished. Its basically a white box with windows. -Refreshments by Donation: last time we had a tea table set up and the space for it was absolutely beautiful thanks to Andreas. Should we set something like that up in the gallery again? (Well see after we get the artists in there.) -ART!!! There are enough confirmed artists for The Gallery this time around, but if anyone would like to present or sell their pieces throughout the house or in the yards that is totally welcome. -TUNES! We also had some music. Im thinking something that will fill out the space throughout the course of the evening before bands start would be great, possibly with speakers set up outside the back-facing windows. Well figure it out. Front Door: This is where we had the distro and Seities set up last time. I want to go for a similar vibe, but I would like to see if I could get Worn (wornfashionjournal/) to set up this time as well. I talked to a lady at the last Market Collective and she seemed preeeetty positive! But once again, Im open to ideas of what to display. -Local literature: zines, journals, pamphlets, handbills. -Shows: I want more posters so we can look forward to even MORE COOL SHIT. -Engage! This is where well accept donations and the like. So if some would like to take turns manning the front (this means yr closer to the food too...jus sayin) that would be super responsible and rad. Living Room: this is where the magic happens. The bands play in the nook, we dance, and we read and lounge and stare in wonderment and awe. Depending on who plays we will orient differently, and its not certain if we need sound yet. -Sound! Acoustic engineer geniuses, shower your light upon us. -TUNES. The Basement Dwelling: thats not really an official name. But basically, this is where we offer visitors tonics and refreshments of all sorts. -Home-made delights are appreciated and will be compensated for. -TUNES. We could possibly outfit this space of the house for a cosy performance/sound jam. -ART. This space can be utilized in cool ways. Last time we toyed with the idea of some performance art. Could be neeeeeat. The Back Yard/Quarter Pipe: yeah, so we have a fire pit, quite a bit of room, a deck and a quarter pipe in our backyard. -FIRE. I would love to play with fire, but safety is important. N fire toys unless someone skilled with safety and handling is present. I dont care how chill the vibes are, if important fire safety guidelines arent followed then that is noooot cool. Therefore, having someone man the fire stuff is important if we want that to happen! -RECREATION. Theres a quarter pipe and lots of room for running around/back and forth. -TUNES. It would also be super neat to have some acoustic jams happening out here. Nothing better than sitting in the sunshine and jamming out, after all. I am currently scheming on this one, but if anyone is keen let me know :3 Photo Booth: my room is also a box, and I would like to outfit it to be a bit of a set with fun lights and whatnot. -Interactive! Play with the lighting, masks and costumes! -Models! If anyone would like to be a centerpiece in the photobooth, you can zen out and become a living statue or be a hell raiser, whatever feels right. So those are the ideas. Well touch on every topic and the logistics of bringing it all together when we meet up and brainstorm. And dont worry, Ill be keeping close track of the course of the meetings so if anyone cannot attend they can be filled in and contribute. Ill post it all up here for ease, as well. Also, we have a blog: athetidepool.tumblr
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 17:59:25 +0000

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