OKAY So this is my update between Motion Notion Festival - TopicsExpress


OKAY So this is my update between Motion Notion Festival (official) onwards to Bass Coast Project. It is not my intention to scare any of my loved ones here, just as it wasnt my intention to experience what I experienced at MoNo but regardless I bought the ticket and took the ride, and all lifes challenges are a gift in your hands ect. At MoNo festival I almost had my life taken from me, the only reason that I am still alive and breathing is directly because of my cherished friends that took responsibility over me in my crisis, the top notch EMS team at the festival and the love and care from the Golden Hospital. In a friends RV there was a jug of GHB that was unmarked in a water bottle, I was in dire need of a drink and took a swig from this bottle, unknowingly taking 10x the regular dose on one of the most dangerous substances known to man. I awoke in the Golden Hospital with 6 needles in me, a catheter and a lot of confusion after 10 hours of being unconscious.. in the peak of the overdose was breathing at 4 breathes a minute. I SURVIVED. The experience could of been a tragedy and my untimely demise but in all actuality it was a gift of new life, a life to be cherished and never taken advantage of. This was a gift of knowledge to be all I can be, love all I can love, heal all that must be healed and tear down the thick veil of self delusion that I have been aware of the past year. There will be a many great things coming from me in the future, more adventures, more growth and the timely coming into myself. This was harmoniously on the last day of the Calendar that I follow and now I am left in immense appreciation for how truly blessed I am in this life. I love you mom and dad, I love you friends and lover, I love you all beauty present in this world and I am undoubtedly eternally grateful for the second chance. Tomorrow I am off to Bass Coast Where I will be focusing on yoga, work shops and heart centred connectivity with all the beauties present. AGAIN I LOVE YOU, and now I am off to bass coast.https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t1.0-9/388692_491962770863260_1441907858_n.jpg
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 21:45:53 +0000

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