OKAY... so, time for a music update. For the record: there are - TopicsExpress


OKAY... so, time for a music update. For the record: there are currently 4 songs/tunes in development; rather than only 3 as ive stated in a bit more detail here on my christofori facebook page. The fourth song/tune, which is also the oldest, i had simply neglected to mention... meaning (in other words): NO, i havent been spending all this time to create yet another unfinished idea...! Now, since thats settled, we can set that fourth song back aside for possible future development... and get back to the three songs/tunes which were attempting to discuss. ;) These 3 all began their existence in a short and (arguably..) recent window of time. One of them, which is (still) quite early on in terms of development; is not much more than the exposition of an idea, really; no real news there.... The second song/tune is/was actually the first of the three which began to take shape; and is also (still) in the exact same stage of development as mentioned in my previous status update here. It needs lyrics, mastering, and release (though not necesarilly in that exact order..). And now, we find ourselves talking about the THIRD of those three songs/tunes; which is (still) REEEEEEEEEeeeally close to being done. At last update on it, i was working on the lyrics. Where are we at, then, today..? (still) working on the lyrics...! :) While i wont even hint about the topic/theme of the song (or its message...) what i WILL share with you at this point, is that its message is VERY, VERY important... as in vital -- crucial, even. Partly for that reason, ill say that im being very, very careful with the development of these lyrics; to ensure that i hit the nail right squar on its head -- and the other part: to make absolutely certain that the message itself is exactly (and ONLY) that which the Spirit wills it to be. One of the primary reasons that its taking this long is the due diligence that the Spirit is directing me to take -- in the form of RESEARCH, STUDY, and DEVOTION. In that very process, i must mention that ive been doing a TON... no, a veritable PLETHORA.. of reading... so much so that my normal schedule for sleep has been thrown all out of whack over the past week or two. The things which the Spirit has led me to read have been mind-blowing-ly good; at times, so much so that i literally do not stop reading. Not even to sleep..! Have no fear; i am in no way sleep-deprived, nor have i allowed myself to slip up and revert to any of my prior chemical addiction problems (well, wait... does caffeine count?? If it does, then i admittedly have been taking in more than usual, lately..!). :) Anyway, ill be sharing excerpts of this Spirit-led research on my web site as time goes on; so watch the site [or, better yet, sign up for the sites update notifications feature! -- christofori.net/index.php?info=contents/signup.html] for those...! Also... there is a growing realization within me that seems to know with a fair... and an almost ABSOLUTE certainty that this song (the third of three... or, really IMPORTANT one...) will be the last SONG -- to be followed by tunes (instrumental music without lyrics) for a time. Part of the reason: the importance, power, and timely nature of the current songs message is such that anyone who hears it WILL get the message that the Spirit wants them to have; which honestly renders future songs (that could end up simply re-hashing themes/messages already established in my prior songs) to be pointless. Since it seems the Spirit will have said (through my songs) all that He desires be said, there would be no reason whatsoever to spend time crafting the same tale into a different motif; so... quite likely... it seems as though the future of christofori will be like going back to my roots. The complexity of the music itself that ive come to create has always been such that makes lyrical content CHALLENGING, to say the least... so... fans of the older epic/adventure kinds of tunes (which i so love) should delight in this revelation. :D This should not be taken to mean or imply that im departing from my calling to present spiritually-minded songs, either -- since for all i know, another song/message will develop some day... so long as He wills it, anyway... but for the time being, the messages Hes given me are all Hes given me. If He gives more for me to say/sing, then i will write/sing them. Lastly (for today, anyway..): ive decided to post music updates on both my web sites news page (the official source) AND also on this facebook page from now on. This will help me reach all of my intended audience members equally .. in whichever site/page format that THEY prefer. Of course, it makes the consistency in my content delivery quite a bit better, too... ;)
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 14:47:39 +0000

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