OKPOTOS SAD STORY EPISODE TWO [2] So I will never see my - TopicsExpress


OKPOTOS SAD STORY EPISODE TWO [2] So I will never see my mum again. Shes gone. Gone to heaven. Gone for eternity. I soliloquised. I had to accept reality; that I would never see mum again here on this earth. Just after three months when my mum passed away, my dad brought home another woman. That very day, he called me into his room. You will call her mother henceforth, he commanded. I want u to respect her; do whatever she orders you. You mean youve replaced mum so early enough? I said to my dad. That earned me a very hot slap. Dont u dare challenge me ever again! he yelled. Its not his fault honey, the woman he brought home said. Hes just a spoilt brat. she added. Pls send him out so we can have our privacy, she continued. Dad did sent me out that night. It was about 09:00pm. He warned me sternly not to return until it was about midnight. As I sat on our varanda that night, I was so cold. I prayed silently for death to take me. Life was meaningless. Oh life! No one can really tell what can happen in the next hour. I was shivering in cold. I decided to take a stroll to subside the cold. I strolled for about an hour until it was getting late. I really cant tell how I managed to stroll that far. All of a sudden, I noticed I was the only one on the road. I became scared. Two men started following me from behind. They were on white garment. I increased my steps. Yet, they seem to be getting closer. I hid from them at the back of a kiosk on that street. I was relieved when they walked pass. But just then, someone tapped me from behind. He was also putting on a white garment. He called the other two. They were together. I remember vividly, how I was screaming, begging them to let me go. But the men were mean. One of them hit me hard with his elbow until I was unaware of what was happening around me. Unconscious is the word. And the next place I found myself was an isolated area that looked like a shrine. I was just quite unfortunate.... Hmm story continues!! EPISODE THREE (3) Loading....
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 10:20:07 +0000

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