OLEMPAKA ACCUSES KAMAMA OF CONFLICT OF INTEREST By #BCNcorrespondent Following the 10day ultimatum issued by Hon. Asman Kamama to Baringos Security team to ensure the stolen animals alleged to belong to his community be recovered, renown activist, Amos Olempaka has come out in protest saying the legislator should resign for display of conflict of interest. Olempaka who organized the Wednesdays demonstration in Mukutani Ward, Sirata to protest against the worsening security situation in the area noted that the statement by the Chair to the parliamentary committee on security are impartial and favors Kamamas community. Why is it that Kamama has never issued an ultimatum to the security to recover Arabal, Mukutani and Kiserian residents cattle when raiders from his community hit and stole from them? Olempaka wondered. The recent tussle between human rights activists and the government over Baringos insecurity problem continues to intensify. The tussle dates back yo the time when County Assembly speaker William Kamket defended his community saying that they are not rustlers but they restock what belongs to them; a statement that did not go down well with the civil society demanding him to apologize. What would follow after the ten day ultimatum remains a mystery and for the community accused to have hosted the stolen the cattle are remain tense despite their claim that they had taken back their cattle who had been stolen during the previous raids.
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 16:29:52 +0000

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