OM NAMO BHAGAVATE VASUDEVAYA WHETHER WE GET A GIFT IN A GIFT-WRAP OR A CHECK BOUNCED - DONT ALWAYS ASK : - OH WHY ME …….??? The Essence of the Srimad Bhagavad Gita then, is to dedicate our Human life given as a GIFT to us by The Supreme, in this Birth out of 8,400,000 species - to read, learn, try to understand, introspect, and finally Realize the Ultimate Goal of Human Life, that we are an Atman or a part and parcel of The Supreme ParamAtman; and our Eternal Duty or Sanatana Dharma is to build, nurture and strengthen our relationship with HIM. Every Diwali, Christmas or any Festival season, we as children and grown ups always open our GIFT excitedly and very casually always do NOT care about the Gift-Wraps and junk them literally instantaneously - without any emotions. But, but, - when it comes to learning from the simple daily principles too using the same rules above; we easily forget and just do Not seem to understand the Eternal Truth…..!!! Since in material life, we as human beings are mostly seen caring and being worried Only about our Own - GIFT-WRAP or Human Body or the Five Material elements of Nature that HE used to wrap HIS precious GIFT for us - our SELF or ATMAN in us..!!! Also, as we move so fast in this age of technology and rising assets, all of us have come to understand so easily about the Banking industry and respect it - since it defines our own prosperity, power, fame, fortunes, glory & opulence….!!! But often times, when in our daily life we write Checks and the BALANCE left in our bank accounts is Not Good enough; then we are informed that : We have a CHECK-BOUNCED. Now we must suffer the consequences of paying the amount, the penalty, the lost interest and other negative charges to all concerned in the process…..!!! Thus, the above is all due to our own - ACTIONS……!!! { But we probably still always ask - WHY ME……..???}. Similarly also in our material human life, there are times when we may Suffer through a problem due to someone or something or other natural forces [adhyatmic, adhibhautik or adhidaivic] and NOW have to pay a penalty, the interests and other negative accumulated charges of an ACTION we performed in this life [which we may remember]….!!! But, sometimes when human beings go through life with pain & sufferings and Do Not remember [the reason why] or even understand the reasons and ask themselves or others around them : WHY ME…….??? Then we Must remind ourselves and also each other that it is just a : CHECK BOUNCED from our previous births, since we do not have any logic or reasoning to understand or evaluate the problem itself………!!! We must have knowingly or innocently sown seeds [BIJAM] and performed ACTIONS in our past births - that are now fructifying [PRARABHDA] or sometimes just waiting to Blossom [APRARABHDA] - with good or bad results and now we have to balance our past dues…..!!! Since that is what Lord Krsna advised Arjuna too: श्रीभगवान् उवाच - बहूनि मे व्यतीतानि जन्मानि तव चार्जुन । तान्यहं वेद सर्वाणि न त्वं वेत्थ परन्तप ॥ 4.5 ॥ LORD KRSNA advises arjuna: B.G. 4.5 Arjuna, you and I have passed through many births, I Remember them all; you Do NOT remember, O chastiser of foes…. FOOD FOR THOUGHT then: Let us Not ASK : WHY ME next time - We find a ourself with a GIFT IN A GIFT-WRAP OR EVEN A CHECK-BOUNCED - from a previous Birth……!!!! Just Chant HIS Names & Glory to Let HIM Know - we do Know and understand Now. harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha HARE KRSNA HARE KRSNA KRSNA KRSNA HARE HARE HARE RAMA HARE RAMA RAMA RAMA HARE HARE HARI HARI BOL......!!!!! MAY HE BLESS US - TO REMEMBER HIM all the time....!!! KNOWING HIM AND PERFORMING ALL OUR ACTIONS WITH HIM IN MIND - IS THE MOST IMPORTANT ACTION OF ALL. ALL GLORIES TO LORD KRSNA - THE SUPRME CONTROLLER OF ALL OUR BANK ACCOUNTS MATERIAL & SPIRITUAL IN THIS BIRTH, PAST & FUTURE BIRTHS TOO……!!! HARI BOL.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 12:55:37 +0000

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