!!! OM SAIRAM !! THE GREATEST BEAUTY AID FOR WOMEN IS VIRTUE - SEELAM Women have Satwa guna in ample measure; they are by nature helpful, tender, compassionate, humble and trustful. Next, they also have a good measure of Tamo guna. They are timid, shy and non enterprising. It is good that women are such. They have been endowed with only a small measure of Rajo guna! This is the general truth! CULTIVATE LOVE IN YOUR HEART One who cultivates the crop of love in the field of ones heart is a true Christian, a true Sikh, a true Hindu and a true Muslim. In fact, he is a true human being on earth who cultivates love in his heart. Love is the life breath of man. It is the consciousness in all the beings. It is the goal of human life. Human life is suffused with love. Unable to comprehend the eternal principle of love, man is weighed down by the physical, worldly worries and anxieties. Life devoid of Love is a Devils life. God has not created creatures such as Devils and Evil spirits. These are the creations of man. Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian should be the embodiment of love. For any caste, creed or religion love is the basis. Love is Sivam and Mangalam, which mean auspiciousness. Love does not hurt anyone. That which does not hurt is referred to as Sivam. Man bereft of love is Savam (corpse). The one with love is Sivaswarupa (embodiment of auspiciousness). A person who is immersed in divinity completely will have no words to describe the glory of God. Immerse yourself completely in divine feelings and pure love. It is due to lack of love that there are today conflicts between individuals, villages, state and countries. In order to get positive results you should fill your heart with positive feelings. Love, peace, compassion, which originate from the heart are positive in nature. All the negative thoughts are the products of the head. When you develop love in your heart, you are verily God. You become God of demon on the basis of your feelings. Love is like a rose and lust is like a thorn. Cut the rose without touching the thorn and offer it to God. You should offer yourself to God. That is surrender. Love within you should be merged with the Divine Love. There lies the bliss.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:34:00 +0000

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