OMEGAMAN: according to one of my direct contacts who speaks - TopicsExpress


OMEGAMAN: according to one of my direct contacts who speaks directly with a platform, they have been told that the USA has released the hold on the funds for transfer from London, Zurich, etc. to USA...according to this report, the S3A CHAT UPDATE: WE ARE HERE NOW, 11 OCT Rv/Gcr (PT):I am not to tell lies we believe this week its to be done we are hearing maybe a Tuesday Exo may show Santa....ITS JUST A GUESS Gt: I would be LEERY of any Rumors Gaving to do with uS BANKS RELEASING MONEY!!! They dont have anything (atleast now) to do with this RV Release!! Their just MANEUVERING to keep what they have!!! Sem: Money has had a universal hold to enter the US regarding the HB funding. OM is correct in his post Carden:For anyone that doesnt understand, HB is Historic Bond for any that dont know what this means..., ha, ha, thanks, Sem. The universal hold is a global administrative hold - meaning no money moving, as dictated by UST, and the UST is the last and highest authority in the release of movement of the worlds money via the Global Collateral Debt Accounts. IF this is correct and verified, we have GOLD-BACKED currency. For the first time in history, for the first time in our little lives, We have governments, people in authority, all over the world, working to alleviate poverty; caring for the sick and infirm, the elderly, those that cant help themselves. We have, for the first time in our lives a window of time where the shift is occurring and it is miraculous. We are here now. FORO DINAR GURUS en 3:38 AM Share administration is pressuring Banks to move forward...lets hope this is true, if so, private groups should be going in now..
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 11:13:59 +0000

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